Good Morning WBCC!
Spring has sprung and
the lights are on!
Welcome back to
Whitebirch RV & Camping
Resort. We look forward
to seeing all of you
this summer! As implied,
the electricitey is back
on for the seaon.
Comfort Station #1 and
#5 AREN'T open yet and
there is no access
to water yet. We will be
working getting those
services up and running
in the next week. We
will keep you updated on
that and office
We look forward to
seeing you very soon!
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
A couple of things:
We have switched to a
new collections system
over in the corporate
offices. While most of
you are really good
about notifying us about
address changes, we
are asking anyone who
hasn't updated an
address with us since a
recent move to call
Shanna at 218-562-7578
to do so.
This second announcement
is sensitive in nature.
We have spent the entire
season cleaning up the
past due maintenance
fees. We have placed
anyone that has not
contacted us over this
season into collections.
While going through this
process, we noticed we
had a small group of
properties that were
being neglected
physically and
financially. Upon
further investigation,
it was found the owners
were passed for a period
of five years or more
(19 years being the
We are asking for a
couple things:
1. Current Owners:
Please think about
planning for your
property after your
death. There are trusts
and other methods of
property transfers after
This type of planning
will help your family
members out tremendously
during this time.
2. Relatives and Heirs:
We are asking that if
you are dealing with a
property of a lost love
one, please keep us in
the loop with the
We currently have a few
in limbo that are being
sold or family is
deciding what to do with
the property that have
been great about letting
us know where
they are in the process.
We also have a couple
that have been told that
we will no longer be
taking payments from
them and all access to
the property
is restricted until the
property is in a living
person's name because
the probate periods have
long gone. We understand
that mourning your loved
one is
a process and takes
time, but we still have
to conduct our business.
As long as you continue
to communicate what
steps are being done in
regards to the
property, we will
continue to work with
you. If you neglect to
stay in communication
with us, we will assume
the property to be
abandoned and move
liens and eventual
procurement of the
property for resale.
There is also the added
expectation that the
property is still
maintained. This means
make sure the
lawn is mowed and all
debris is removed.
During the off season,
the point person
regarding issues like
this will be Shanna. She
can be reached at
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good morning WBCC!
This weekend the
boneyard will be open
for limited hours.
Saturday, it will be
open from 8:30 am to
4:30 pm. It will not be
opened on Sunday.
Sorry for any
We finished blowing out
Cluster 2
Tomorrow will be the
last day the office is
open. Management has a
few things to deal with
next week but will not
hold any office hours.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Comfort Station #5 is
back up and running
again! Thank you for
your patience. We will
be reblowing out Cluster
2 on Thursday.
This should only take a
couple hours. There
wasn't a ton of water
let back into the
system...just enough to
worry about it freezing.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Comfort Station #5 has
very limited water at
the moment! The valve
replacement was a little
more complicated.
If you need to shower,
please head to Comfort
Station #1. Otherwise,
it may take a couple of
hours to get Comfort
Station #5 full
Sorry for the
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Our apologies for the
last minute office
closure yesterday. My
middle child had a small
medical issue
to deal with.
Unfortunately, what we
thought was going to be
a quick trip to Urgent
Care turned in to an all
day ordeal because we
happen to be one of
several issues happening
around the community
with staffing shortages.
The wait time was quite
long. Good news, he
should fine after a
short course of
and a visit to a
podaitrist. Teenagers...
But hey, I was able to
read 100 pages of my
We will be out cleaning
the restrooms a majority
of the morning. Just
call the cellphone if
you need us in the
We will also still be
here only half a day
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Well...... I was hoping
to make if through the
year without incident,
but someone had to ruin
We seem to have a Toilet
Paper Bandit down in
Cluster 1. It is
suspected it is a male
subject. We had
5 out 8 rolls stolen out
of the men's side of CS
#1 over the past
weekend. Vandalism or
theft will not
be tolerated. If this
behavior continues, we
will inform the
authorities and shut
down the comfort
proir to Nov. 25th.
Thankfully, our order
did come in and there is
once again toilet paper
available to
those respectful
individuals down in
Cluster 1. Don't be the
reason for us to shut an
amenity down early!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
BRRRRR! It is definitely
getting colder at the
campground. We have
frost on the grass in
the morning!
Fall hours in the office
have started. We will be
closed on Sundays and
Mondays. We have budget
and last minute projects
to finish over the next
two weeks. It is the
plan to shut the office
down on the 26th
of October. This depends
on some things though.
Blow out didn't go as
smooth as we had hoped
this year. We have some
valves to replace and
other stuff to do
over the next week. But
we get through and
finish everything up!
This Saturday (19th), we
will be open half the
day in the office. We
have a Halloween
function we are taking
youngest to. He is
quickly growing out of
this stage and will soon
be the independent
teenager who thinks
Mom and Dad are corny.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning
Comfort Stations 2, 3,
and 4 are blown-out and
laundry areas are
winterized. We are
shutting down the sewer
line and the wells
This means we will lose
water to both clusters
between 10 am and 12 pm.
Comfort Stations #1 and
#5 will remain open and
have water.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Today is the day we lock
Comfort Stations 2, 3,
and 4. These ones are
not heated anyway.
The housekeeping team
will do a last cleaning,
we will then strip all
the shower curtains to
get them washed.
Tomorrow will be the
last day for laundry
service. Yde's will be
out Monday in the
morning to winterize the
washer and dryers.
Tuesday morning, we will
begin the blowout
process. We start with
the Cluster 2 sewerline
and Comfort Stations 2,
3, and 4.
If you need your spigot
replaced, please contact
the office if you
haven't already done so.
We will replace spigots
following the blow-out.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
The electrical issue in
Cluster 1 is repaired.
Sorry it took so long,
but it was a doosy for
us to figure out!
Desirae will be out of
the office for the next
two days! Michele will
be here until 1 pm on
both days. Desirae will
return on Saturday!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Crow Wing Power has
informed the corporate
offices of a small power
outage happening along a
Whitebirch Lane. Minor
history lesson around
the campground:
On our maps, Whitebirch
Way is labeled
Whitebirch Lane. We are
unsure if this is the
Whitebirch Lane they are
referring to, but just
in case, we would like
warn any owners along
Whitebirch Way, you may
experience a power
outage if you are here
tomorrow. We don;t know
when it will be, but it should be short!!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
As the season comes to
an end, owners will
notice us look at things
around the campground
for last minute repairs.
There are several
electrical boxes that
new locks in Cluster 2.
If you see us wandering
around the back of your
lot, we are just seeing
if the box needs a lock
or not.
Speaking of end of
season repairs, we are
making our spigot
repalcement list for
after blow-out. If you
are in need of a spigot
replacement, please call
the office
to let them know. We
will need just need your
name and location.
Cluster 1 Owners: We
have finished compiling
the quote for the
electrical grid. We have
sent the final proposal
to the Board of
Directors at the
corporate office for
decision on it. We want
all of you to understand
that this project is not
about making your
cluster more like
Cluster 2 by any means.
The fact of the matter
is the
the grid is not fine the
way it is. It is
overloaded and underfed.
This combination will
result in catastrophic
failure eventually.
Something must be done
and there are
only two options: we
upgrade or we restore.
We know what owners have
added extras to grid
like new farm panels,
bigger breakers, fifty
amp plug-ins, etc. We
will say that the number
of modified lots far
exceed the number of
untouched. We understand
why owners have done
this and don't blame
them for desiring the
amenities of modern
technology. We just have
to make the grid match
that desire. Once the
Board makes their
decision on if to
proceed forward, we will
out a letter to all
Cluster 1 owners
informing you of their
Outlots: It is the
time of year where the
outlots by the Cluster 2
office and by the tennis
courts should be
clearing out. We expect
them to be empty by Oct.
If they are not, any
left over items may be
towed at the expense of
the owner.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
We had a bit of an
eventful week this week.
We had a spigot blow and
a spigot line leak. All
is well now.
The season is definitely
winding down. It is very
quiet during the week.
We have had a lot of
calls concerning
blow-out. We want to
remind every one that we
posted the important
dates on all the
bulletin boards and we
have it posted on here.
We have two dates
The last day that Fedex
and UPS will deliver
will be Oct. 20th. That
will give everyone 6
days to grab any
packages before the
office closes.
Office hours and
boneyard hours will
change begining Oct.
And as a reminder, the
annual blow-out will
begin Oct. 8th.
Speaking of packages,
many of you may have
noticed the deck box by
the office. This box is
where all UPS and Fedex
packages will go (as
long as they fit) for
owners to grab. The box
is on camera. If the
package doesn't fit, we
bring it in the office
before locking up at
Management will be
taking a half day today!
We will be closing the
office at 1 pm.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Election season is upon
us, and with it, comes
the desire to place
signage in your yard. We
will allow political
signs in a lot during
the election season. We
ask that you
remove them when you are
done for the season. If
they are not removed by
Nov. 15th, we will be
removing them that
following weekend when
we come to check
the bathrooms. With that
said, you don't have to
like your neighbor's
sign, but you do have to
respect their right to
display it. It is
considered destruction
of personal
property/theft of
personal property to
mess with or take
someone's signs.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
We need some help! We
have an owner who
misplaced their phone.
If you find a phone,
please bring it to the
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Well, the Labor day
picnic was a smashing
success beside the fact
we ran out of food. We
know to plan for more
next year!
We want to thank all the
owners for making this
season the most amazing
season ever! We had
minimal maintenance
issues this year. This
year's projects are
almost done.
We are looking at next
year's budget these
coming weeks. There will
be some more
improvements to the
ground landscaping.
Perhaps a new BBQ grill
as the
one we have has seen
better days. Maybe a new
amenity is in order
since we have updated
most of the old!
The apparel will be on
sale this week. Full zip
1/4 zip-$40 and
Labor Day: The office
will be closed for the
day so that our
employees may enjoy the
day will their families.
If there is any
emergency, please call
the cellphone.
Again, a huge thank you
to all owners! You are
what made this season so
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Sorry about the
announcement format, we
are experiencing issues
with the Webpage
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Our trusty weather radio
is blaring in the office
at the moment. We under
a severe thunderstorm
warning and a flash
flood warning this
afternoon. As always,
please make your way to
the Breezy Point
convention center
for shelter if
necessary. IF AND ONLY
IF you cannot make it,
Comfort Station #1 and
#5 are brick buildings
and can serve as a last
resort shelter. The rain
is expected to start
around 3 PM.
The Labor Day picnic
will start at 4 PM and
end at 6 PM. We are
having Pulled Pork
sandwiches (there is a
chicken option for those
that can't eat pork). I
have all the volunteers
needed and they should
come around 2:30 PM to
start setting everything
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
After speaking with our
pool management company,
they had to make a
different schedule for
the pool closing due to
their staffing and
schedule (they close
down over 50 pools in
the area.). Cluster 2
area will begin to close
down on Tuesday Sept.3rd
With Labor Day on the
horizon, we know that
many are beginning to
clean out their
cupboards. We are
holding our end of year
food drive again. We
will accept all
non-perishable food
items. There is a bin
by the office for owners
to place their items.
Well, you have spoken
and we will have the
afternoon BBQ on
Saturday afternoon. We
will iron out the
details about the time.
We will need a few
volunteers to help
serve. All owners are
welcome to
enjoy. We based our
numbers on last year's
Cluster 1: We have not
forgot about having a
meeting regarding the
energy crisis down
there. We are waiting on
one final number and to
know if a boring quote
is necessary. While we
were hoping to have the
number by now, a project
of this size takes time
nail down all of the
logistics. Please know
we are still working on
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
We would like to remind
owners that pets are not
allowed inside the
clubhouse. We would also
like to remind owners
that all pets are
supposed to be leashed
when travelling through
the clusters.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
It is that time of year
and we know many of you
want to know the
important end-of-year
dates. We have all of
them nailed down except
the office hours change.
We will keep owners
posted about that
End of Season Dates:
Cluster 1 pool closes:
Sept. 3rd
Cluster 2 pool closes:
Sept. 9th
Office Hours change:
(Boneyard availability
will match office hours
at this time)
CS #2, CS #3, CS #4
Oct. 5th
Laundry Service ends:
Oct. 6th
Annual Blow-Out:
Oct 8th-10th
Office Closes:
Oct. 26th
(Boneyard will be
availabile by
appointment only)
CS #1 and CS #5 close:
Nov. 25th
Electricity shut off:
Nov. 25th
(this final date depends
heavily on the weather)
** We have four teams
for the Rib contest on
August 31st. The tasting
kits are for sale in the
office as of today for
$8/kit. There are only
50 avaiable and those
that purchase are those
that get to vote.
Be quick or you may miss
out on some amazing
** While we have had
some interest in the
past, we are not sure if
we are going to do a BBQ
this year. There are
ramblings of many owners
holding their own get
togethers on that day.
We have also heard
that there is a call for
an end-of-the-year
meeting. We can't do
both the BBQ and the
meeting, so we are going
to throw it to the
owners to decide. Would
you rather have a BBQ in
the afternoon or
would you like to do an
owners' meeting with
donuts and coffee?
Management will check in
with Facebook groups'
admins on Tuesday to see
what the chatter is!
** I start classes on
Monday, August 26th. I
have 2 classes that are
hybrid classes and
require me to be on Zoom
for about an hour each
day. I will be punching
out during this time to
attend class. I will
keep the office door
open in case of an
emergency, but I will
ask that you give me the
hour needed for class if
Wednesdays and Fridays:
11 am to 12 pm
Tuesdays and Thurdays:
9:30 am to 10:45 am
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Our costume winners were
little Wednesday Adams,
a Horned Viking, and
Bell. Our coloring
contest winners were CJ
(0-4), Ava (5-9), and
Kyla (10-14).
Congratulations to all
our winners! Thank you
all our participants! It
was a tough choice for
the judges!
Enjoy your trick or
treating! Don't forget
to swing by the office
and pick up some candy
from Vampire Frankie!
Our lot decorating
champion has been crown!
Ruth and Cal have
retained their title.
Although, they narrowly
beat out Bob and Joanne
(by 6 points) and their
giant spider and
Congratulations to Ruth
and Cal, enjoy your
night out!
On a more serious note:
A driver of a vehicle
decided the rules didn't
apply to them and used
the golf cart path as
their own personal road
between clusters this
We believe it was a dark
gray/black Toyota
Sequoia with very dark
tint in the back
windows. It has chrome
accents around the
windows and MN plates.
(It could be a Ford
With as many times as we
have reminded owners
that the golf cart path
is only for pedestrian
or golf cart traffic
only, we cannot see
ignorance as a valid
While traveling along
the golf cart path, they
encountered a golf cart.
Luckily, the golf cart
was able to move off to
the side. We would like
to remind owners, we
have clearly have
We would hate to shut
down the golf cart path
and make it a pedestrian
path only......
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Hooray!!! The medallion
was located at 9:30 am
this morning!
Congratulations to the
group that found it,
enjoy your reward! And
for those that would
like to know where it
was, it was nestled next
to lone
peony bush in a flower
bed by Comfort Station
#2 on Pinetwig Drive in
Cluster 1.
For those in the Lot
decorating contest,
please have your lots
ready by 12 PM today so
the judges may see take
a gander at them on
their own time. Judges:
The scorecards are in
the office, please swing
by and pick them up
along with
with a map with the
location of each lot. We
would like to be able to
announce the winner
before we leave for the
Coloring Contest sheets
will also need to be in
by 12 Pm today! We will
be hanging them in the
Clubhouse for judging.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Here is the third clue
for the medallion hunt:
#3: There be no X, so
need fer ye to grab ye
shovel. Ye can find
comfort that me booty is
nestled in what a bunny
might consider an
overgrown jungle.
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Here is your second clue
for the medallion hunt:
#2: Ye land lubbers love
ye trees like the mighty
pine. Just remember,
it'll snap like a twig
with only one shot from
this mighty cannon of
you find the medallion,
make sure you come see
the office with it to
claim your reward!
Good Afternoon WBCC!
If a fellow owner is
swiping their cards and
NONE of them work, there
is typically a reason
for it. Please do not
let them in!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
We got a message from a
sea-faring gentleman
asking for some help
from the campground. He
has lost something and
would like some help to
find it. He has sent us
four clues to help in
your hunt.
Clues will be posted on
the bulletin boards
located by the Cluster 2
office, Comfort station
#5, Comfort Station #3,
and Comfort Station #1.
Good luck in your
"ARRRR, ya filthy land
lubbers! A rotten rat
with wings stole a coin
from me booty and flew
it thousands of miles
from my beloved sea. If
one of ye would be so
kind to find it for me,
ye will be greatly
rewarded. Just like my
mangy crew must keep out
of me private quarters,
stay out of the private
quarters of your fellow
land lubbers!"
Clue #1: To begin ye
hunt, ye will need to be
in the place that
encrusts everything in
Good Morning WBCC!
Its a busy weekend in
the area! We have BIR
hosting the NHRA Lucas
Oil Nationals and we are
hosting our own
Halloween Week! With
that in mind, we would
like to remind owners
that we have a
quiet time within the
campground. If you are
enjoying yourself after
quiet time and want to
remain outside, be
mindful of the volume at
which you are speaking.
Otherwise, please move
it indoors in order to
be respectful to your
Stay tuned for the first
clue in the medallion
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
If you didn't get to
sign up for the lot
decorating contest, you
still have time to slip
your name on the list.
Make sure you call let
the office know!
are still looking for
judges too!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
PITMASTERS! Do you fancy
yourself a master of the
BBQ pit? Do you have the
best ribs in the
campground? Want a
chance to prove it?
We are holding the
inaugural Whitebirch Rib
Contest on August 31st,
2024! We are looking for
up to 10 teams to
compete in the contest.
Cash prize for the top
three teams! Details are
posted on
the bulletin boards
around the campground.
If you are interested in
participating in the rib
contest, please email
Keith Koran at
Please use the subject
line: Rib Contest.
Please include the
following in the email:
Team name, Name of the
cook(s), and a phone
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Back by popular demand,
a Halloween golf cart
parade! So decorate your
carts, and we hope to
see you there! We will
have carts start lining
up by the office at 3 PM
and the parade will kick
off at 3:30 PM.
It will follow the same
route as the 4th of July
parade and the route
will be posted at both
entrances for owners to
As much as we try to
avoid closing the office
during the season, we
will be closing early on
Saturday, August 10th
(Vicki and Andy are
coming to town and its
my nephew's 1st
birthday!) We know there
are some deadlines we
set up for that day like
signing up for the lot
decorating contest and
judges.We are going to
extend them to Sunday,
August 11th. The
coloring pages will
still be available for
the time we are open on
Saturday. Office hours
will be
8 am to 12 pm on
Saturday, August 10th.
We are sorry about any
inconvenience this may
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
We are seeing some dock
abuse happening again!
We would like to remind
owners that docks are to
be used by current
owners only. We keep
track of the sticker
numbers that belong to
old owners. We will
begin to
void them by placing a
black slash on the
sticker when we catch
them on our docks. If
you continue to park on
our docks, we will have
an outside agency tow
the boat at the expense
of the owner of the
boat. We would
like to remind owners
that it is a 7 day on/7
day off rule AS LONG AS
If you leave, you must
remove the your
boat/pontoon/ jet ski.
Like the boat stickers,
we do shut off any keys
associated with old
owners. This is why it
is super important for
new owners to swing in
the office to have any
cards switched over to
their names. And for
those that have
found cards or been
given a card by an
another owner, be aware
that they may get shut
off especially if they
belonged to an old
For sale items: We
understand that it is
difficult to sell things
at you private lot
because it may not be in
a highly visable area.
We understand that the
area by the boneyard is
a great space to have
items be seen by a big
portion of
the campground, but we
are going to ask that
individuals to figure
out a different
arrangement for their
items. We are seeing
items give birth to more
items for sale and would
prefer that the area
didn't become cluttered
by sale items.
We are looking into
other possible solutions
for owners to be able to
If you are missing a
pair of army green boxer
briefs, we have them in
the office in our lost
and found box!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
We are almost to our
Halloween Celebration!
We are looking for 5
volunteers for our
judging panel. You will
be judging 2 events: The
costume contest and the
lot decorating contest!
Contact Desirae in the
office by August 10th if
you are interested.
If you would like to
participate in the lot
decorating contest,
please register with
Desirae in office by
August 10th, so we can
create a map for the
judges! Lots will need
to be ready by 12 pm on
Saturday the 17th for
You will be judged on
your overall use of
space, creativity, and
thrill factor.
This year we are holding
a coloring contest! We
have threee categories:
0-4 years old, 5-9 years
old, and 10-14 years
old. If you would like
to participate, please
swing by the office
starting August 10th to
pick up
a coloring sheet. You
will need to turn them
in by 12 pm on Saturday
the 17th for judging!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
The sky is beginnning to
darken and we are
officially under a
Severe Thunderstorm
Warning until 3:45 pm
today. Stay aware of the
sky and go to the
convention center if
needed. We have shut the
pools down
for the evening because
of the weather.
Lightening and water is
never a good mix!!!
Sorry for the
We have our electricians
investigating in a few
areas around the
campground. Hopefully
they will figure out the
If you are looking for a
fun night out (except
maybe tonight), the Crow
Wing County Fair is
going on through
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
The annual Poker Run
went amazing! Mike and
Dawnya handed out
hundreds of prizes and
raised $573 in donations
for the Presler family!
Mike and Dawnya then
doubled that amount
to a whopping $1,146
that they delivered to
the Presler
family yesterday
evening. Mike and Dawnya
have been amazing hosts
for the past 2 years and
this year was no
different! We want to
thank them for all of
hard work they put into
this event! We would
also like to thank
everyone that donated to
Evan Presler and his
family in their time of
great need!! Your
generosity is
appreciated more than
can express!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
This last weekend was a
hot one and we are
looking at some more
80's and 90's coming our
way. We did have to
replace one breaker down
in Cluster One last
week. We are still
working on to jump
the hoops to try and
address the electric
down in Cluster 1. We
are waiting for one more
bid for the transformers
(has to be done by our
power company). We are
also working with our
electrician to deal with
issues in both clusters.
We are hoping he can
squeeze us in before the
heat wave!
The mulch is about 75%
done. The guys have been
working tirelessly on
it! Once the mulch is
done, we will bring in
the sand for Cluster 1's
play ground! Our project
list is slowly getting
Saturday, July 27th: The
Whitebirch Annual Poker
Run is going on from 6
PM to 8:30 PM. It is
hosted by the wonderful
couple, Mike and Dawnya
Mohs. There will be 7
stops on the run! This
is a great way to get to
the campground and your
Alright, all you spooky
ghosts and goblins, are
you ready for the
Whitebirch Annual
Halloween Celebration?
We have a person that is
willing to step up and
host our festivities for
this year! Over the past
week, we have been
trying to nail a date
down that will work and
we have settled on
Saturday, August 17th!
So mark your calendars
and get your little ones
ready for a fun filled
day! We will have
treak-or-treating, a
costume contest, and the
hunt! More details to
Northstar is open and
ready to serve the
community! The Northstar
management has asked us
to relay that it is a
seperate entity from the
resort/timeshares. The
Country Club membership
discount will not apply
any purchases made
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
There was a small blip
in the water pressure
down in Cluster 1 this
morning. We had a spigot
that cracked and needed
replaced. Sorry about
the inconvenience
Cluster 1!
1. The Whitebirch
electric boxes are
private property owned
by Whitebirch INC. Any
owners caught touching
them will be served a no
trespass order. This
will mean you will only
be allowed on the
property you own and the
road leading to that
property. You will not
be allowed in comfort
stations, pool areas, or
any other out lot owned
by Whitebirch INC.
2. Speed limit in the
campground is 5 MPH for
understand this is a
slow pace, but it is
there to help prevent
any accidents. How many
people have tried
pulling out of their
driveways only to have a
golf cart
or car/truck zip by
almost taking out your
rear end? How many
children have been
caught by management or
other staff and told to
slow down? (Its not
adults drag racing
around Cougar Pass....)
Now whether you are an
owner in Cluster 1 or
Cluster 2,
you are responsible for
the actions of your
minor children, and if
you are not with them,
how do you know what
they are doing? If
you cannot accept that
your children will be
yelled at by other
owners in the
campground, we suggest
you keep eyes on your
children at all times to
ensure their being the
sweet little angels you
claim them to be. And
remember, management is
not shy about revoking
golf cart privileges
when it comes to minors.
3. We would like to
remind owners that you
own your property and if
someone walks on it
without your permission,
you have a right to have
them removed through law
enforcement. If the
police can't get here in
time, make sure you snap
a photo
of the trespassor for
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Our biggest week of the
year is over and it was
an amazing week! We had
a few minor incidents
but overall it was a
great week. All of the
staff here thanks
everyone for making it
such an awesome week!
P.S. Despite what some
of you may have seen on
the bulletin boards, no
one was holding soberity
checks. We are not sure
who this individual is
that is placing these
notices up, but it is
not someone
on our staff.
We have a debit card
that was found by
Comfort Station #5. It
belongs to a Teresa
Weber. We will require a
form of identification
in order to pick it up.
We also have a key that
was found in the same
We have had many
questions about the
Halloween weekend
celebration. We will of
course be holding our
annual Halloween
weekend! We have not
heard from the couple
that usually hosts the
festivites, so details
have to come in a bit.
We will keep you posted
as we figure out the
game plan!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Well yesterday was
filled rain and mishaps.
After reviewing camera
footage regarding the
broken pool gate and the
gate arm for the Cluster
2 entrance, they both
seem to be accidental
The gate arm had
prior damage that
resulted in a mechanical
failure. As far as, the
pool gate, we cannot
possibly blame the
little girl that was
trying to use the
bathroom. We will ask
that parents remind
children that if they
cannot reach the gate
latch, to please ask
their parent to assist
them. The gates are not
designed to hold weight
as someone tries to
jiggle open the latch.
Reminder: Please remind
your guests that
piggybacking into the
gates is not allowed. We
already have a pretty
hefty bill to fix the
Cluster 1 gate because
an owner's guest tried
to piggyback with them.
If the internal
parts of the gate or the
pedastal is damaged, we
do go after the owner
related with the
incident for the cost of
repairs. Between the
gate system and the
cameras, we will
Reminder: The speed
limit is 5 MPH for ALL
Vehicles. We undertstand
that speeding through
the puddles is fun, but
a tippy cart plus
hydroplaining doesn't
equate to a fun time for
someone who's car/cart
is damaged because
someone couldn't control
their vehicle through
the puddle. Worse yet,
what if someone is
injured because of it!
Be safe and careful!
We are still planning on
having our festivities
under the pavilion
tomorrow despite the
forecast. Burgers and
brats from 4 to 6 PM. We
should have a dry golf
cart parade!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
The office will be
closing early today so
that our employees can
spend some time with
their families for the
holiday. We will close
at 4 PM. Sorry for the
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
(12:30 am)
Aside from the two spots
we had to talk to last
night about keeping
down, the campground was
pretty quiet. If we were
holding a contest for
quietest cluster after
quiet time, Cluster 1
would have came
in first! Thank you for
respecting your
neighbors tonight! We
were a little
disappointed to see how
many fires where left
unattended and left to
burn out. Let's work on
that because all it
takes is one stray spark
to light a fire.
I will be popping in
here and there at night
throughout the week to
check things out.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
As we move into the 4th
of July, here are a few
2. All dogs must be
3. Atvs and golf carts
are to used as a means
to get from point A to
point B. We don't drag
race at 11 PM down
Cougar Pass or
Whitebirch Way. Speed
limit is 5 MPH within
the campground.
If one becomes a danger
to the public (ie:
excessive speeding or
DUI), the police can and
will be called.
4. Quiet time is 10 PM
Sunday-Thursday and 11
PM on Friday and
Saturday. While we want
you to enjoy your time
here, we must respect
those around us. Move
the party indoors, turn
your music down,
or talk quietly around a
late night fire.
5. Please utilize the
out lots for overflow
parking. Don't park in
the right of way. The
streets are not wide
enough to accomadate
parking with traffic
flow. It makes it
impossible to keep
traffic moving.
Here are a list
of local event
happening in the area:
Dockside has something
going on all week!
7PM: Chris Olson Varity
9PM: Passion
9 PM: Passion
8:30 PM: Johnny Cash &
Neil Diamond Tribute
9 PM: Passion
8:30 PM: Memories of
9 PM: Passion
6PM: Passion
7 PM: Rythm & Blues
Cruise on The Breezy
Local Events:
7/3 & 7/4: Pequot Lakes
Stars & Stripes Days
Tons of activities
planned throughout both
days starting with Food
Vendors at the South
Trailside Park at 5 PM!
Fireworks at 9:45 PM
On July 4th, they will
have their annual parade
at 12 PM
7/4: Brainerd Lakes 4th
of July Celebration
6 PM: Parade
8 PM: Family Relays
10 PM: Fireworks!
7/3: Nisswa'a
Freedom Days
Tons of activities
planned for both days
starting with a petting
zoo located near the A&W
at 12:30 PM and ending
with Fireworks at 10:15
7/6 Crosslake's 54th
annual Fireworks Display
will be held over Sand
Island starting at 10:10
Remember to have fun and
be safe this week!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Evening WBCC!
we get ready to
celebrate the 4th
of July holiday there
are a couple reminders
for everyone.
dogs must be on a leash.
While enjoying
the campgrounds please
don’t forget safety is a
There are many
of us here to enjoy the
holiday so please be
respectful to everyone
and don’t park along any
street, service driveway
or community property.
There are
designated parking areas
and lots for you to use
but please do not block
the streets.
Thank you,
WBCC Administrative
Afternoon WBCC!
Unbelievable!! We cannot
believe that we have to
make another post
reminding owners and
their guests that we
have cameras on the pool
areas. We were nice this
time, but next time it
will be Breezy Point
their heads over the
fence! We have families
in this campground, and
we hope the couple from
this morning are
throughly embarrassed
after they were caught
doing what they were
doing at around 10:23
this morning.
We have noticed the
lovely figure 8s by the
tennis court area in
Cluster 1. ATVs should
only be used as a means
to get from point A to
point B, following the
speed limit, and staying
the roads. If you want
to rip around, there are
hundreds of miles of
trails located in Crow
Wing county to do so. If
we continue to see this
type of behavior, ALL
ATVS and UTVS will be
banned from the
Don't be the reason why
this happens!
10 AM: Golf Cart Parade
(Parade route will be
posted at the entrances)
Those particapating in
the parade, please start
lining up at 9:30 am by
the Cluster 2 office.
You will be lead by our
Grand Marshel of the
year: Vicki Stange!
4 PM-6 PM: Annual
Campground Picnic
Menu: Burgers and Brats
(and all the fixings),
Chips, Coleslaw, and
Cookies. It will be BYOB
(bring your own
Volunteers, please meet
at the Pavilion at 2:30
pm to set up.
We have an owner who
will be hosting The One
Man Band that evening.
All are welcome to
6 PM-8 PM: The Annual
Poker Run
Mike & Dawnya Mohs will
be hosting the annual
Poker Run again this
year. This is a fun
night filled with activites and prizes. If
you are new to the
campground, this is a
great way to get to know
your way
around the campgrounds
and your neighbors.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning
a chilly one but it is
Community Sale Day!
Signs are out and there
are few other places in
the area holding similar
sales! We are seeing
some light mist here and
there but overall just
windy and chilly!
Thank you,
6/28/2024 (second post)
To the
owner of the Sunchaser
pontoon that has sticker
#165, your gate keys
will remained locked
until your pontoon has
been removed from the
WBCC docks. It will need
to be off the docks for
a period of 7 days.
We would
like to remind all
owners that use our
docks that there is a 7
day on/7 day off rule
and you must utilizing
your lot during that
period. This is clearly
stated on the boat
sticker form each person
at the
time they purchased the
dock sticker. We will
start shutting cards off
from this day forward.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
We had a
last minute
cancellation in our
guest spot starting 7/1
through 7/6. We know a
few people asked about
it for this particular
week, unfortunately, the
office doesn't recall
who they were. Our
apologies for this,
but we are going
to reserve it on a first
come first serve basis.
In other words, first
person to call about
these days will get it!
Be quick!
Thank you,
Good Afternoon WBCC!!
The Clubhouse will be
closed after 1 PM today
until Wednesday of next
week. Sorry for the
The Community Sale will
be this Saturday, June
29th! Everyone
that has things parked
in the outlot by the
office, we are asking
that you make other
arrangements for your
items from 8 am to 2 pm
on that Saturday.
We are still looking for
a Grand Marshel for the
golf cart parade.
Contact Desirae in the
office if you are
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Afternoon WBCC!
We have started the
process of ripping out
the carpet from the
clubhouse! We have
brought a small dumpster
in, it is for CAMPGROUND
STAFF only.
Thank you,
6/22/2024 8:08am
Good Morning WBCC!
The rain has
struck us out on the
sale. Whie it isn't
pouring at the moment,
we are seeing a heavy
mist that seems to be
lingering with the
threat of showers off
and on. We are choosing
to push the community
sale to
next Saturday.
We do apologize for the
inconvenience but mother
nature can be a fickle
Thank you,
Good Afternoon WBCC!
As far as the community
sale, we are still
planning on holding it
this Saturday! If mother
nature decides to extend
her down pour past the
projected times, we will
let you know!
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
We are noticing a lot of
buildings/awnings being
brought/built on lots
that we have no records
of permits for. ANY
structure built/placed
on your lot must be
permitted by not only
the office, but the city
of Breezy Point. The
and management meet
periodically to compare
notes. If you do not
have a permit for a
structure, you will be
subjecting yourself to
penalties. We are
required to triple the
permit fee in the office
and from what we
understand, the city
will also triple their
fees. MN Rooms, gazebos,
sheds, awnings, and
decks need permits
period whether they are
built on your lot or
dropped there.
Landscaping and bringing
in new campers/park
models do not need
permits, but management
will look to see if
setbacks are being
followed. Replacing deck
boards on an existing
deck does not need
permitting either.
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
GARAGE SALE is June 22nd
from 9 AM to 1 PM.
There will be 2 ways to
participate this year.
You may set up in your
lot for other owners to
browse or you may set up
in the Cluster 2 outlot
for the local community
to browse. Tables are
but they are limited.
If it rains on June
22nd, we will have an
alternative date for the
sale on the following
Saturday, June 29th.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Morning WBCC!
It is another rainy day
here in the campground.
There is a possiblity
for severe weather with
the system affecting us.
Be diligent and follow
the evacuation plan
posted on every comfort
station. As always,
head to the convention
center at the resort. If
and only if you cannot
make it there, CS #1 and
CS #5 are brick
buildings and can serve
as a shelter.
***We have had a tornado
watch issued until 8 PM
The time has come! It is
shut-off day. If you
have not paid your
maintenance fee for the
year, you will find your
cards will not open the
gates. You have two
options: you may see the
main office located at
the corporate
building (at the resort)
or you can see the
camprground office
located on Dove Street.
If you feel this was
done in error, please
bring proof of payment
to either office.
Thank you to all the
wonderful volunteers
that working deligently
in the clubhouse! All
the books, games, and
puzzles have been gone
through. Owners are
still welcome to utilize
them, but they are in
boxes. We
are asking that they are
placed back in boxes.
The Clubhouse will the
recarpeted on July 2nd.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Afternoon WBCC!
We still have 9 storage
spots that remain unpaid
or have not contacted
the office about
payment. If your lot
number is on the list,
please contact the
office or remove your
items from the spot
If the office doesn't
hear from you by June
24th, we will begin the
process of taking the
spot back. This includes
towing/storing items and
seeking a lien judgement
for all costs associated
with the spot.
If the
spot is empty
at that time, we will
assign the spot to a
person on the list.
Spots: 18
If you feel you are on
the list by error,
please come to the
office with proof of
payment and we will
gladly ammend our
Starting June 25th, the
Clubhouse will be closed
to the public. We are
going to go through all
the items and rip out
the old carpet in
preparation for the
carpet installation. The
bathrooms will remain
open and will be
from the pool side
entrance. Volunteers are
always welcome as we go
through the items in the
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Afternoon WBCC!
Whew! We were fortunate
enough to be fairly
unscathed by last
night's storm. May our
thoughts be with those
that were not as lucky
just a short distance
north of us.
are working on the 4th
of July celebration for
the campground. We will
have our golf cart
parade and a wonderful
picnic for everyone. We
will be holding
everything on Saturday,
July 6th.
parade will start at 10
am. Those that would
like to participate in
the parade, please line
up by the Cluster 2
office area starting at
9:30 am. We are looking
for someone that will be
willing to serve as our
Grand Marshel.
usual party is unable to
do it this year. If you
are interested, please
contact the office. The
picnic will be in the
Pavillion from 4 PM to 6
PM. We have two
volunteers already, but
will need more for the
picnic serving and
willing to grill a lot
of burgers and brats.
Again, please contact
the office if you are
interested. Crosslake is
scheduled to hold their
firework show that
evening also.
ONE OWNERS: We would
like to remind you that
the outlot by the tennis
courts is for temporary
parking only. We have
notice quite a few
trailers, campers, and
boats that have
surpassed the seven day
limit. We have placed
notices on
the ones that we know
have been there over 7
days. If these items do
not move, we will tow
them at your expense.
We would like to also
remind the owners that
butt up to the lot by
the basketball court,
their guests cannot
park their
campers to camp back
there. They will be
asked to move
immediately, or a tow
company will move it for
them. If you are in need
of a spot, you may call
the office to see if the
guest spot is available
for the days you are
looking for.
Most of
July is already booked.
Reminder: The
annual campground garage
sale will be help on
Saturday, June 22nd from
9 am to 1 pm. You may
set up in your lot or
down at the outlot by
the office.
Thank you,
Good Morning
to Cluster 1 owners:
If you are looking to
place a septic tank on
your lot, your first
step will be to see the
office for a permit. On
the permit, you will get
all the information your
contractor will need
as far as
setbacks and where to go
to get the county
permit. The city of
Breezy Point does not
issue these permits.
We would
like everyone to know
that we are working on a
solution for Lake Moose
Trail. It seems we will
need to add a section of
perforated drain tile to
aid in getting the water
to the actual drainage
Please be patient as we
try to get everything
for it in place. We are
also waiting on an
estimate for Lake Cougar
Pass as that will need a
whole new drain. As we
mentioned before, we are
waiting on a bobcat
Cluster 1 roads. We are
aware of the desperate
need for class 5 to fix
the holes and some of
the low spots. Again,
please be patient as we
are working as quickly
as we can with this
We have
scheduled the date for
the carpet to be
replaced in the
clubhouse. We asking for
some volunteers to help
go through the
items/books and pack
them away to make laying
the carpet seamless. We
begin this process June
25th. If you are
available to help,
please let the office
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
6/4/2024 (Part 2)
TO WEATHER! Remember, if
you need to evacuate,
please head up to the
convention center at
Breezy Point Resort.
AND ONLY IF you cannot
make it to the resort,
CS #1 and CS #5 are brick
For those curious about
landscaping and why it
isn't done right this
second. We have had
staff for about 2 weeks.
In those two weeks they
have done the following
Mowed the entrances and
other areas
Weed whipped
Cleaned leaves up from
the fall in the park
Placed all the new fire
extinguishers except the
ones for the maintenance
Pressured washed the
pool deck in cluster 1
several spigots
Placed all
amenties like Frisbee
golf baskets, volleyball
nets, tennis nets, and
pickleball nets
Fixed the
exit gate in Cluster 1
Fixed a
water heater issue
Thursday, we have 120
yards of mulch that will
arrive for the beds and
other areas of the
campground. The guys
will be spending
probably the next few
weeks trying get that in
place. At the same time,
will try to get the
skidster and address the
roads down in cluster 1
by bringing in class 5
to fill in the holes in
the roads. We are
working as quickly as we
can on the landscaping
projects we have on the
Please be patient as we
move through them.
would like to remind all
owners that each lot is
allowed ONE MN
room/screen room and ONE
shed. We do notice these
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
8 PM. The potential for
strong winds and large
hail is coming with this
storm. Please follow the
severe weather protocol
if needed.
This means you head to
the convention center up
at the resort for
shelter. IF AND ONLY IF
you don't have time to
make to the convention
center, Comfort Station
#1 and #5 are brick
Great news! The hot tub
is heating again! It is
at a nice 102 degrees!
June 22nd starting at
9am: We will be
having our community
garage sale. We are
going give owners two
options to participate.
If you want to have your
items open to the
we will have the parking
lot open for you to set
up in. We have some
tables for owners to
use, but they are very
limited. Otherwise, you
may set up in your
lot and owners can
travel through the
clusters to shop! We
will begin at 9 am and
we will go until 1 pm.
We are going to start
assessing lots in the
next week. If you
haven't been up to mow
or clean-up your lot yet
this season, you will
receive a letter asking
to mow. Remember, we
have the right to
perform any necessary
maintenance in a lot
twenty (20) days after
sending a letter. The
cost of this maintenance
will be billed to the
owner of the lot. Mowing
starts at fifty ($50)
dollars and will go up
depending on the labor
needed on the lot.
If we have to hire an
outside company to
address any issues on a
lot, the resulting bill
will be passed down to
the owner. Any fees not
paid by the end of the
season will be added to
the next season's dues.
Reminder: Docks have a
seven (7) day on, seven
(7) day off policy. It
also states that if you
are not staying in the
campground, your boat is
not on the dock.
Everyone who purchased a
sticker signed an
agreement agreeing to
these terms. Management
has been taking daily
trips to the docks to
Most of storage has been
paid with the exception
of 20 owners. Management
will start calling those
on the waiting list.
Each person will be
given a list of open
spot they will get to
choose from. If you are
called, you will get one
week to
come to the office and
pick your spot. If you
do not come pick your
spot within that time,
you will be skipped.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Morning WBCC!
Unfortunately, we are
still waiting on the
part for the hot tub
heater. We are hoping to
have it up and running
on Tuesday. These are
the beginning of the
season kinks that we
need to work out! Sorry
for the inconvenience!
Starting June 4th, we
have an owner holding a
12 part Bible study
series for women! It
will be on Tuesdays from
9:30 am to 11am on the
Clubhouse porch. She
will be using "Awakening
To a Grand New Day."
The cost of the book is
$6 and there is a copy
in the office for those
that would like a
preview of the content.
For more information,
please contact Pauline @
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Morning WBCC!
The roll-offs are done
for the season. Hengel's
will be coming to get
the small one we had
delivered for all the
overage from the
weekend. THIS IS NOT
In Cluster 1, we have an
owner doing some
electric work in the
Redleaf Court Area, so
owners in that area will
experience a small
outage will they do
this. It should be
rather short. Sorry for
the inconvenience!
Reminder: Annual
maintenance fees and all
storage fees are due by
this Friday! Any
maintenance fees paid
after Friday will have a
$25 late fee assessed to
them. Any storage fees
will have a $5 late fee.
If you
are choosing not renew
your storage, please
remove all items and
inform the office.
Thank you,
Morning WBCC!
Memorial Day opener was
a success. The meeting
was live streamed by the
Breezy Bunch
administrator, but here
is a short recap of what
was discussed.
Donuts and coffee were
provided by Breezy Point
Real Estate. Huge Thank
You to Renee and her
team for that!
Staff for the year:
Lee and Monty are on
Bill on grounds
Courtney and Dave on
Michelle ias the
office's Administrative
Jocelyn and Marcela on
We will be interviewing
to hire 1 more security
guard and 1 more
We talked about the
projects for the year.
Lots of landscaping!
We put out the reminder
that setbacks are 15 ft
from the front property
line (not the road), 10
ft from the rear
property line, and 5 ft
from the side. Slide
outs will count for
these. We cannot fix
what is already
done, but if you are
bringing in a new unit
or repositioning one, we
will expect the setbacks
to be followed.
We also reminded people
that there is a $15
dollar/night charge for
an extra camper parked
on your lot. We take
pictures and the extra
fee will be added to
your annual dues if you
do not pay it by the end
of the
We mentioned the Cluster
1 electricity.
Please bear with us as
we are very aware of the
issues going on down
there. We are working on
making a plan and
getting quotes. We will
have another meeting
this summer that will be
for Cluster 1 owners
only so watch for that
Weekly activites (so
Thursdays 1pm: Crafting
hour: bring your own
project and meet your
fellow crafters!
Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday 9am to
10am: Water Aerobics in
the Cluster 2 pool.
TUB: The hot tub is
closed for today. We are
waiting on a piece for
the heater that should
be here later today. We
are hoping to have it up
and running by tomorrow!
Official Whitebirch Gear
and Ice cream are down
in the office! Ice cream
will be $1 to $3
depending on the item.
Full Zip hoodies are
$65, Quarter zip
longsleeve are $60, and
Hats are $30! They are
selling fast.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning
After speaking with Crow
Wing Power, the power
outage will affect a
much bigger area than
previously expected. It
will extend to the
following areas:
Block 1 Lots 63-74
Block10 Lots 13-31
Block 9 Lots 1-31
CS #3
Block 11 Lots 8-80
Block 8 Lots 5-20
Again, the outage should
only last until 11:30 am
to 12 pm (at the
lastest). Sorry for the
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Crow Wing Power will be
in Cluster 1 from around
9 am until 11:30 am
tomorrow to work on a
transformer. There will
be a loss of power
during this time. It
should only affect the
following lots:
Block 1 Lots 36-63
Block 3 Lots 8-21
Block 6 Lots 6-23
Block 7 Lots 1-20
Block 10 Lots 1-12
If you lose
power and your lot is
not listed, please let
the office know so we
can announce it.
Please plan
accordingly for the
outage. We apologize in
advance for the
inconvenience this will
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
The pools are open!!!
There is a canvas top in
the Cluster 2 pool area
that are drying out a
little before we put the
away. If you choose to
enjoy the pool on this
windy day, please leave
these canvas top alone.
With our pools open, our
ladies that lead the
water aerobics class
will be starting up on
Tuesday the 28th. All
adults are welcome to
join them in the pool!
We are aware of the
Cluster 1 exit gate
issue. We are
troubleshooting it as
you read this and we
have the gate repair guy
coming next week to look
at it.
have an owner that will
be streaming the
Timberwolves game on
Friday night down at the
Pavilion. They have said
all are welcome to join
in watching the game
with them. In the now
infamous words of
Karl-Anthony Towns,
"Bring Ya A**" and BYOB
and snacks!
Hengel's will be here
today or tomorrow to
switch out the roll off
for a new one.
Thank you,
Good Morning WBCC,
rainy day at the
We are trying to get the
amenities like frisbee
golf, volleyball, and
tennis out for this
weekend but the forecast
is not cooperating at
the moment. The pools
are almost ready to be
opened. We are testing
the heaters to make sure
everything is working.
They will be ready by
the big weekend!
Starting on Friday, any
lots with an extra
camper (from winter
storage) remaining on
them, will be charged
the $15/night utility
for having an extra
camper on your lot.
After 7 days, the charge
will increase to
Any utility charge not
paid by the of the
season will be added to
your maintenance fees
next season.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
After scouring though
hours of footage, I was
able to locate the
missing 3 ball and 8
ball. Unfortunately,
there are two young men
(10-12 years old) have
some serious explaining
to the do about their
inside the Clubhouse.
One had blonde hair and
a black Underarmor
T-shirt and the other
was dark hair and a blue
t-shirt with a graphic
that looked like Andy
Warhol's Campbell's soup
painting. In the few
they were in there, they
slammed pool balls
against the furniture
and walls. They used
stick pins to try and
break into the arcade
games and quarter
machine. They climbed
on the pool table and
arcade games. They tried
to shake prizes out of
the crane machine. They
placed cds in the crane
machine prize doors.
They did not do any
serious damage this
time, but if they
continue to act in this
we will be forced to
enforce consequences for
their actions which may
include no tresspassing
orders. We expect
everyone to treat the
amenties with respect
and leave them in the
manner at which they are
found, so everyone can
enjoy them equally.
Thank you,
WBCC manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Today is going
to be a beautiful day
today! We are working
diligently to get the
rest of our amenities
ready for owners to
enjoy. Our new Frisbee
Golf baskets have
arrived! Lee and Bill
started this week and
be working
on getting everything
ready for the Memorial
Day kickoff to the
season. They are
focusing on mowing at
the moment because grass
was looking a little
shaggy from all the rain
we have gotten.
Black dirt is
here! Remember, this is
for the Fawn Lane/Buck
Ave area that had their
electrical upgraded.
Residents will need to
transport the dirt and
bring a container or zip
lock bags to get the
We would like to
remind owners that there
is absolutely no
mattresses, tires,
electronics, or major
appliances allowed in
the roll off. We
apologize for any
confusion that has
occured. Also, one of
owners will be parking a
trailer this
for metal items like
grills. He donates all
proceeds to the Scouts
of America!
May 25th at 10:30 am, we
will be having our
annual owner's meeting
under the Pavilion in
Cluster 2. Breezy Point
Real Estate will be
providing donuts and
coffee/orange juice. We
will go over last season
and talk about our
projects for this
season. We would also
like to hear your
thoughts and suggestions
for the campground!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Couple of things:
We are not sure where
the 3 ball and the 8
ball for the pool table
disappeared to, but we
would appreciate if they
reappeared in the
Clubhouse! We will be
checking cameras in the
The office will be late
to open in the morning
due to my little guy
winning an award at
school, and I don't like
to miss the little
moments like this! It
will open around 9:30 am
I apologize for any
inconvenience it causes!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
We have an owner that
will be holding an hour
of crafting and chatting
up at the Clubhouse on
Thursdays at 1 pm
starting May 16th. Bring
your own project and
join in. It will be a
great way to get to know
your neighbors
and collect some great
tips from like-minded
people! We hope to see
you there.
Two things are happening
this coming Friday:
The spring clean-up roll
off will be delivered in
the morning! We bring
these in for owners to
clean up their lots. Due
to the standards set by
the roll off company,
there are certain items
that are not allowed in
the container.
Again, these roll-offs will be available to owners to
clean their lot within
the campground.
Remember to
utilize the
composting station
at 7947 Dakota
Drive (little
over a mile from the
campground) for
dumping brush, grass
clippings, and
We will havea truckload
of black dirt delivered.
This will be for the
lower part of Cluster 2
(Fawn Lane and Buck Ave.
area). This is for the
landscaping issues left
behind from the
electrical upgrade in
the area. We will also
have grass seed
for owners.
We have had a bear
sighting as of last
night. Evidence of a
bear was found in the
Fox Trail area of
Cluster 2. Bears are
waking up from their
slumber and are
searching for food to
forage for. Items like
bird feeders entice them
in because
it is easy food. Please
bring in your feeders
and suet at night to
discourage the bear from
sticking around, and be
careful if you are
traveling around the
park during night hours.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
All gates are on a
camera! We can see those
that sneaking in behind
others and have liscene
plates. We can also
trace the cards
associated with the
swipe in the gate. We
have already had damages
to three of the
four gates this year. We
will charge the
offending parties with
the cost of repairs. We
would also like to
remind Cluster 1 owners
with long tongued
trailers, the sensor
triggers the gate to
close because it doesn't
sense the
tongue. Be conscious of
this when pulling in
trailers. We did have
our gate guy tinker with
it last fall, and we are
hoping it is better.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Couple of things:
the bulletin boards,
owners will notice a
flyer about Evan
Presler. Evan is one of
our Cluster 1 owners who
has recently been in a
tragic accident. He was
paralyzed from the waist
down. H is a very kind,
person who has focused
on providing for his
family including his
physically disabled
daughter. Being he is
the sole provider for
the family, they are in
need of a little helping
hand. Friends of his
family have set up a
page to help with
expenses as he was the
sole provider for his
family. If you can
spare even $5, it would
help this family
Thank you!
is the link for his
gofund me page:
Many of you may have
heard the sirens going
off this afternoon. This
was testing due to
maintenance work that
was done.
Our big boulders have
been moved by something
rather large and some
drain tile has been
pulled out of the ground
near the walking path on
Moose Trail behind
Comfort Station #5.
If anyone know what
happened, please call
the office.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Good news!
Both laundry areas are
now available to owners.
We would like to remind
owners to make sure the
doors to these areas are
closed after dusk. This
cuts down on the amount
of our state insect
around inside them.
We are also going to
open the clubhouse area
for limited hours. The
quarter machine and the
arcade games are
functioning and
available to owners.
Unfortunately, until
staff starts working
(soon), it will be open
during office
hours only.
Speaking of staff....
We are hiring for a few
positions for the
season. We are looking
for fun, friendly faces
to fill the following
Office Administrative
Assistant. This is a
part time position that
requires an individual
to work 16-24 hours a
week. Sundays and
Mondays are a must.
Groundskeeper. This is
also a part time
position that requires
an individual to work
16-24 hours a week.
Hours and days are very
*We have already hired
one person for this
position (we will
introduce him to the
campground shortly), but
since there is a lot of
projects planned, we
will need another.
Security Guard. This is
can be a part time or
full time position.
Weekends will be
*We have one part time
person hired (we will
introduce him to the
campground shortly) and
have Courtney returning.
We are looking for one
more individual!
Things are moving along
as far as opening. We
are trying to get some
of the amenities out for
owners to enjoy.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
5/7/2024 (edited)
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Crow Wing county has
finally been placed on
the low fire risk
category. Management
would like to take the
time to remind all
campers that they should
be burning in a
contained area like a
fire pit or burning
stove. Fire pits can be
above ground pits or
below ground pits. No
one should be free
burning on their lawns.
We are also asking that
owners DO NOT dump their
leaves in the Whitebirch
owned outlots.
We have enough of our
own leaves. If you are
looking for a place to
bring yard waste (leaves
and branches), it is
located at 7947 Dakota
Drive, Breezy Point, MN
Friendly reminder that
ATVs and UTVs (Side by
Sides) are not allowed
on the golf cart path.
There are zero
exceptions to this rule
and continual violations
will result in
revocation of ATV
privileges for the
Management would like to
remind owners that while
we are willing to help
you out with delivery
and service companies
once in a while, we
cannot be at the gate
the entire day to let
people in.
Please make arrangements
for these companies to
come while you are in
the campground!
***With Minnesota
legalizing marijuana
recently, we have been
receiving a few
questions regarding
marijuana use inside the
campground. While owners
have the ability to use
their lots as they
please, we will not
allowing marijuana use
in the common areas.
This includes the
comfort stations, the
pools, the playgrounds,
the roads, the outlots
owned by Whitebirch
INC., the laundry areas,
and the clubhouse.
you can
still be charged with an
open bottle ticket or a
DUI for using marijuana
while driving (and yes,
this includes golf
carts)! Breezy Point has
instituted a similar
city ordinance.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Comfort Station 5
laundry area is
available for use. The
clubhouse bathroom is
open for owners to use
Reminder that the office
is closed for the rest
of the day for a
previous scheduled
appointment. We will
reopen in the morning at
the usual time.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
The final well is
chlorinated and will be
flushed at 9:30 am
tomorrow. Comfort
Station 5 will reopen at
that time. The plumber
will be here next week
to fix the three down
toilets in Comfort
Station 4 (Clubhouse).
We are hoping to have
the bathrooms in that
building up and running.
We are not opposed to
opening the Clubhouse
for activities like pool
and arcade games at that
time, but know that when
the carpet get replaced,
it will be closed again.
Laundry services! In
lieu of the fire in the
Pequot Lakes laundry
mat, we are working to
get Yde's up here to
open at least one of the
laundry areas for
campers to use. The one
in the Clubhouse will
have to wait as
the pool company uses it
to store chemicals and
other items while
opening the pools. As
soon as we can, we will
also fill the quarter
machine in the
You will notice that
there are flyers on the
bulletin boards about
the Executive
Memberships that allow
for access to the resort
pool and other
amenities. You will now
be required to show your
membership card at
the desk. Your key card
will no longer be enough
for them to allow access
to the pool. If you
don't have an Executive
Membership, you may
purchase one through
Breezy Point Reality. It
will cost $500 and will
be valid for as long as
you own your property
within the Whitebirch
Camping Clusters.
On Thursday, 5/2/2024,
the office will close at
12 pm. My son has a PSEO
information meeting and
has asked me to attend
with him. The office
will reopen at 8:30 am
on Friday, 5/3/2024.
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Brrrrr! It is a chilly
and rainy one today!
Some of you may have
noticed that our
housekeepers from the
resort were here today.
Their names are Jocelyn
and Marcela. Their
country of origin is El
Salvador, which is
located in
Central America near
South America. They are
very friendly and
amazing workers, so lets
do our best to make them
feel a part of our
wonderful team here at
Whitebirch RV & Camping
Here are some fun facts
about El Salvador:
1.El Salvador is the
smallest country in
Central America.
2. They adopted the U.S.
dollar as their official
currency in 2001.
3. El Salvador is known
as the "Land of
Volcanoes" because of
its 196
active volcanoes
4. Pupusas is a
traditional El
Salvadorian dish
comprised of a thick,
handmade cornmeal
tortilla stuffed with
refried beans, meat,
cheese, or vegetables.
5. El Salvador is rich
in Mayan roots and is
home to many
archaeological sites.
The office will close at
4:00 PM today because
management has some
overtime from this week
to compensate for. Sorry
for any inconvenience
this may cause you!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
We are still
experiencing some water
issues with Comfort
Station #2 and the
Clubhouse. We have
maintenance from the
resort coming tomorrow
to try and finish
resolving these issues.
We will be chlorinating
the final well on
Tuesday, April 30th.
Because of the way we
chlorinated this year,
we will need to close
Comfort Station #5 for a
24 hour period while
Well #4 is chlorinated.
Well #4 is the well
that feeds Comfort
Station #5 in the spring
and fall. Since our main
well drive that
runs/communicates with
the entire system is on
Well #4, we can't turn
off that drive. All we
can do is isolate the
well from the main
system and make sure no
one uses Comfort Station
#5. We know this will be
an inconvenience for
those that are here
already, but it will
only be down Tuesday,
and we will flush it on
Wednesday morning. The
Station will be back
open after that!!!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Must sure you flush your
line BEFORE you hook it
up to you camper.
We had some minor fixes
but overall it went
well. Comfort Stations
#1, #3, and #5 are
completely operational
and ready for use.
Comfort #2 has some
fixes needed before we
can open it. We are
hoping to have them
addressed tomorrow.
Comfort #4 will remain
close as there are some
pipes in the pool area
that we are
reconfiguring and will
need the water to be off
to the building.
Thank you to all the
amazing volunteers that
helped with the water
turn on this year!!!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
The sewer is going and
wells 1-3 are
chlorinated. The last
shower on the woman's
side is runnning on cold
only because there is
not enough people using
the sewer to have water
going into the system.
We need water
to ensure all the air is
out of the line. We ask
that you leave it on and
we will turn it off when
we need to. We will
begin to turn on the
water tomorrow at 10 am.
We are asking for
volunteers to check to
make sure all spigots
are working and no
visible leaks in cluster
2 and we will need
volunteers to check the
blow-outs to make sure
there is water to all
and no major leaks.
Thank you to those
individuals who called
about power outage in
Cluster 1 over the
weekend. We identified
the issue to being
either someone being a
jerk and shutting off
main breakers or a good
samaritan trying to
a problem for
their neighbor.
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
The campground is seeing
some cold, windy, wet
weather for the next few
days. We are working
diligently to get
everything ready for the
season. We have not
recieved our office
supplies yet. We should
have the office
ready for full services
by next week. This does
include payments at the
moment as we do not have
our receipts yet.
Water update:
We have great news for
campers! We will be
turning the water on
next Wednesday. We will
start with the sewer
line on Tuesday, we only
need a couple volunteers
to help with the sewer
line. We have arranged
for Northland
Drilling to chlorinate
the three wells that are
currently inactive on
the same day. 24 hours
after the wells are
chlorinated, we can turn
them on and flush them.
That means, we will need
some volunteers to check
spigots in Cluster 2
and blow out valves down
in Cluster 1 to make
sure we have no leaks in
the system.
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon Campers!
Quick Update:
While up in the
corporate office, we
noticed that the marina
staff are working
diligently on placing
docks in the bay. It
appears the WBCC docks
are in the water as of
We are aware of the hot
water issue in Comfort
Station 1 in Cluster 1.
Resort maintenance will
be here in the morning
to address it!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
After some very long,
rough days, I am finally
done with jury duty. My
first experience was
definitely a doozy.
Office hours will run
Tuesday through
Saturday, 8:30 am to
4:30 pm for now. Deb has
decided to
pursue other endeavors
this summer, so the
office will remain
closed on Sundays and
Mondays until I can find
a replacement for her.
She will be greatly
missed in the office
this season! The
boneyard will be
the same hours until we
can arrange for more
There are tons to do
before Memorial Day. We
have new carpet being
installed in the
clubhouse. We are
revamping the golf
practice area. This
includes new astro turf
and sand. Cluster 1 pool
will be repainted this
spring. The
wader pool and the hot
tub will also be
Good news: Both clusters
have a working Comfort
Station that is ready
for use! Comfort Station
1 by Cluster 1 pool in
open and Comfort Station
5 in the upper ring of
Cluster 2 is open.
We have no definitive
date for turning on the
water yet. As long as
the weather holds, it
should be rather
We have new apparel this
year. Hoodies and Caps!
They will be arriving
sometime in early May.
We will keep you posted!
See you all soon,
WBCC Manager
Quick update:
After speaking with the
resort housekeeping
manager, it sounds like
Comfort Station 1 won't
be available until
Wednesday or Thursday.
We apologize for the
inconvienence, but she
has new hires
that are training for
the first few days this
coming week. Comfort
Station 5 (Cluster 2
inner ring) will be
available to all owners.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC,
We were able to get
Comfort Station 5 up and
functional today. It has
been cleaned and it is
ready for use. This also
means that campers have
access to the water
spigot on the back of
the building.
On the men's side, the
last shower head needs
to be tighten down. It
is spraying everywhere
but the shower area! We
will have maintenance
tighten it tomorrow when
they come over to get
Comfort Station 1 up
and functional. Resort
housekeeping will come
clean it also. Garbage
service will resume
starting tomorrow.
Unfortunately, access to
the boneyard will still
be by appointment except
on the weekends while
the office
is open. Hopefully we
can have more office
hours very shortly.
Have a great week,
WBCC Manager
Good Evening Campers,
I am proud to announce
all of Cluster 1 and 2
have electricity as of 8
pm tonight. Office hours
will be very limited for
a few weeks due to my
civil duty (jury duty)!
I will be here on the
weekends until
further notice. We are
having some issues with
the comfort stations at
the moment but we are
hoping to resolve them
shortly. We will keep
you updated as we know
more. We have lots of
projects planned and
hope to see you all
Have a great evening,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon
It is
officially spring in the
land of ice and snow! As
many of you know,
Minnesota has had a
major lack of those two
things this winter. But
in true Minnesota
fashion, Mother Nature
has decided to have a
"hold my beer"
moment. We are predicted
to be nailed with a
sprinter blizzard this
week. We have been
keeping an eye on it.
Because of this, we have
decided to hold off on
turning the electricity
on until after the
weather has
Hopefully, the 40's that
follow the predicted
blizzard will prove to
be useful in melting the
snow away quickly!
We did do
a drive through of the
campground and happy to
report that we did not
see any major damage. We
saw the usual downed
branches and one downed
tree by the pond in the
field in Cluster 2.
We are
itching to open the
campground to see all of
you again! We are
looking forward to
another great season
filled with good times
and great memories!
See you
WBCC Manager
Good Evening WBCC!
As always, we have been
keeping an eye on the
extended forecast to
make sure we were still
seeing temperatures
above freezing during
the day. It seems
tomorrow, 11/22/2023
will be the last day
above freezing.
Because of this,
management has decided
to blow-out the
remaining comfort
stations tomorrow. We do
not want to risk any
pipe damage. We know
this might be an
inconvenience for owners
and we do apologize.
The electricity will
remain on until 11/27 as
promised just in case
someone needs to do any
last minute season
repairs or upgrades. See
you in the Spring!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Today is the last day
that the office will be
open for the season. The
campground cellphone
will be turned off for
the season and the
boneyard will be
available by appointment
only through corporate.
The mapping of Cluster
1's electric is almost
complete. It has been an
interesting learning
experience! Once we
finish this, we will go
into the planning phase.
In this phase, we will
discuss what needs to be
and how to get it done.
We, of course, do not
want to overburden our
annual budget so this
won't be a one or two
year project. We will
keep owners updated
through the phases.
We want to take the time
to thank all the owners
for making this season a
success. We had some
hiccups, but overall it
was a fun season! We
will miss those that
have left us as owners
to pursue other
we are excited to get to
know the faces that will
replace them. We hope
all owners enjoy their
winter, and we will see
you in the spring!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning
We are
definitely catching up
on the rain in the
campground on this rainy
Just one
quick thing. If you are
an owner in Cluster 1
that is still around the
area, you may experience
a power outage sometime
in the next couples of
weeks. We are mapping
the breakers down below.
are five beaker boxes to
map. The plan is to map
one breaker box per day
starting with the box on
Yellowleaf Trail.
This is the last thing
we had on our agenda
this season.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Morning WBCC!
are down to our last 2
staff members. Our
international staff
member will be done in a
short couple of weeks
also. This means
boneyard hours will
become limited and match
office hours unless
arranged. We understand
that some owners are
still arranging boat
wraps and we will try to
accommodate that.
Reminder: All
deliveries will end on
October 20th. Owners
will have until the 27th
to pick up any packages
that may be in the
office. Otherwise, they
will sit in the office
until spring when the
office reopens.
We have a new committee
member for Cluster 1.
His name is Stan. He is
replacing Victoria, the
member who left the
campground committee
last summer to pursue
new ventures.
We are still looking for
a fourth member to
represent Cluster 2.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Afternoon WBCC!
blow out is complete! A
huge thank you to the
volunteers that helped
us get through the
process. We appreciate
your help more than you
will ever know! Comfort
Stations 1 and 5 have
water and are
heated for owners to be
able to shower and use
the bathroom.
The office will be
closing at 1 pm today.
Desirae will have the
campground cellphone for
emergancies, otherwise,
the office will reopen
at 8:30 am tomorrow and
regular hours will
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Cluster 2 has been blown
out!! We did place all
the 1011 ASSE valves on
all of the spigots also.
We will be working on
Cluster 1 tomorrow.
Comfort Station 1
(Cluster 1) and Comfort
Station 5 (Cluster 2)
remain open for owners
until November 27th. A
huge thank you to all of
today's volunteers.
Without you, this
process would take a
whole lot longer!!
Thank you,
Good Morning WBCC!
The sewer line is blown
out! The wells have been
shut down and all the
blow-outs are open. This
allows gravity to drain
the lines overnight so
we are able to see the
blow-out valves while we
use the air compressor.
They remain open until
tomorrow morning. Spigot
Volunteers: Meet Desirae
by the office at 10 am
tomorrow. She will give
instructions there.
UPDATE: We know
there were a lot of
hiccups along the way
and seemed like it would
never end, but we are
happy to report.....IT
IS FINISHED!!!! We will
be bringing in black
dirt and
grass seed for owners in
that area in the spring.
Thank you,
Morning WBCC!
are stripping and
blowing out comfort
stations 2 and 3 today.
Comfort Station 1 will
remain open until
November 27th. We will
be blowing out Comfort
Station 4 (the
clubhouse) tomorrow.
Comfort Station 5 (in
the middle of the upper
rings) will remain open
unitl November 27th.
Yde's will be here to
winterize the laundry
areas tomorrow, so do
any laundry today!!!
We are asking for
volunteers for the blow
out to help walk spigots
nest week to open them
and help place the 1011
ASSE back flow preventer
valves. Contact the
office if you are
interested in helping.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
9/30/2023 (the real one)
Afternoon WBCC!
Apparently, I really
wanted yesterday to be
the last day of
Unfortunately, Pratt's
decided that yesterday's
weather was not
conducive to digging and
postponed us until
We had a
little mishap this
weekend concerning
electricity. Management
has contacted all the
owners affected. But to
update all owners on the
Fawn Lane upgrade: The
electricians found a
originating from a few
lots in the north leg on
Whitebirch Way. Their
best guess is a splice
was done at some point
(a pedestal was moved or
added something to the
line or a repair was
in the area that has
faultered and caused the
neutral to read hot. In
non-electrician terms,
that is very, very bad!
They will be back Monday
to identify and fix the
issue and to continue
switch people over to
their new
breakers. We also had
some water issues in
both clusters today that
caused outages. If ever
there was a day that was
ruled by Murphey's law,
today was it!!!!
you didn't notice the
change on the Important
Dates sheet posted
around the campground,
this is for you!
Deb has a family
emergency that is
causing her to depart
early than expected.
Because of this,
tomorrow, October 1st,
the office will be
closed on Sundays and
Mondays. The boneyard
will still open and
close at the usual time
until further notice.
coming week, Comfort
Station #2, #3, and #4
will be deep cleaned,
stripped, and blown out
on Thursday and Friday.
Friday, Yde's will be
here to winterize the
washers and the laundry
areas will be
locked for the reminder
of the season.
following week will mark
the big blow-out.
Tuesday, October 10th,
Lee will begin the
blow-out by blowing out
the sewer line. Then
Wednesday, October 11th,
and Thursday, October
12th, will be
spent blowing out the
clusters. As always,
volunteers were very
appreciated to help open
and close spigots
through-out the
Minnesota Department of
Health has required us
to have a ASSE 1011
back-flow preventor on
every threaded
connection inside the
clusters. This includes
the spigots located on
every single lot. After
shopping around
(these valves aren't
cheap), we have purchase
enough to cover all 750
lots in the campground.
If these valves are not
there when we blow-out
in the fall next year,
the owner will be
charged a $15
replacement fee.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning
Cluster One Owners:
Pratt’s will be here
today to address the
last water main and
another smaller issue in
the Cluster. You will
lose water during that
time. Comfort Stations 4
(the Clubhouse) and 5 in
Cluster 2
open and have water
service.Water services
will be restored after
completion. We apologize
for the inconvenience,
but we would rather
address these issues now
rather than in the
Thank You,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
What a
week we had at the
campground! The wells
went wonky and we had to
fix a few water mains
down in the lower
cluster. Everything is
back to normal as far as
Electric has been
working diligently on
the Fawn Lane electric
for the past couple of
weeks. They may seem to
be standing a lot, but I
assure you the
apprentices are just
waiting for the master
to tell them their
instructions. They have
been landing the lots to
their new breakers. The
project will be
completed before the
snow flies!!
hours will have to
change a bit earlier
than expected due to a
family emergency.
Starting, Sunday,
October 5th, the office
will be closed on
Sundays and Mondays.
Boneyard availablilty
will reduce soon
also. We will
keep you updated
regularly on end of
season stuff.
Thank you,
Good Evening WBCC!
We have another problem,
Houston! There is
another water main
leaking over in Cluster
1. We have Pratt's here
in the morning to fix
it. Owners will lose
water during this time.
Hopefully, it will be a
quick fix like the last.
understand this is an
inconvenience for owners
and appreciate your
patience with it!
Thank you,
9/15/2023 (2.0)
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Cluster 1 water main is
fixed and the water is
back on! There are
cones and caution tape
around the area in order
to allow the ground to
dry out as it was very
saturated with water.
avoid them. You may also
get a faint chlorine
smell in your water as
we did add chlorine to
the fixed pipe to
prevent any
contamination. All you
will need to do is flush
the lines for a few
until the water no
longer smells like
We appreciate your
patience as we addressed
the issue!
Thank you,
Good Morning WBCC!
UH-OH! We had a water
main break this morning.
Pratt’s Excavation will
be here between 11:30 am
and 12:00 PM today to
fix the break in the
line. Cluster 1 will
lose water at this time.
We are not sure how long
it will be out, but we
hope to have water
service restored ASAP!
Sorry for the
inconvenience and we
thank you for your
patience as we address
this issue!
Fawn Lane Update: The
big switchover
(transformer to breaker
boxes) is completed!
Next week, the same 5
gentlemen you saw
yesterday will spend the
majority of the week
daisy chaining the lots
to their new breakers.
When this happens, the
chain they are working
will have an outage.
They said they would try
to minimize the length
of time your power is
down by preprepping
everything, but be
prepared for an outage
of at least a couple of
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
9/12/2023 (oops, its the
Good Morning WBCC!
Tomorrow starting at
8:30 am, owners will see
Crow Wing Power and
Precision Electric
wondering around the
area. They will be
hooking some of, if not
all, the breaker boxes
to the transformers.
This is when owners will
see power outages
throughout the area.
These outages will last
anywhere from 2 to 8
hours depending on the
situation (knowing the
luck we've had so
far....expect the
latter). If they
cannot complete the
switch over tomorrow, it
will happen the
beginning of next week.
From there, owners of
the chain the crew is
working on will see
outages during that
time. We will try to
keep you
updated on
the areas they are
working on as they go.
After speaking with my
maintenance crew, we
decided to close Comfort
Stations 2, 3, 4 (the
Clubhouse) on October
5th in order to blow
them out before we blow
out the system.
Laundry Service will end
on October 6th. Yde's
will be here that day to
winterize the washers.
An extra camping unit
(pop-ups, ice houses,
pull behinds, Fifth
wheels) on your lot does
costs $15/night. This is
a rule that is here to
stay because of the
positive impact it has
had on the cost of
electricity within
the campground. We have
had to send a number of
letters to owners who
have tried to skirt
around paying this fee
over the season. If you
choose to ignore
payment, it will be
added to your dues for
next season.
It was brought to our
attention that some
owners continued to use
the Breezy Point Center
docks after our docks
were placed earlier this
season. This may result
in your boat being
towed, especially if you
leave it
I have a meeting with
the apparel company this
afternoon, so the office
will be closed from 1:30
pm until I return. It is
my hope that I will be
back before 4:30 but I
can't promise it. I will
have the cellphone on
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
As you
start to clean out your
campers, you may find
that you have left over
canned goods or other
non-perishable food. We
are holding an
end-of-season food drive
for the next several
weeks. All items will
donated to a local food
shelf. You will find a
tub sitting on the
shelves near the office
that you can deposit
your donations. Its a
great way to clean out
your cupboards and help
the local community here
the Breezy Point/Pequot
Lakes area. Last year,
we donated around 150
lbs. of food!
make sure all items are
Thank you,
Good Morning WBCC
many of you know
already, there was an
incident at the
Whitebirch Estates last
night. All we know about
the incident is that 3
men have tragically lost
their lives. We are not
here to speculate on the
surrounding the
incident. We just wanted
to clarify that this
incident did not occur
here at the campground
because the media
reports have made it
seem that it happened
Our thoughts are with
the families as it is
always heartbreaking
when you lose someone
you love no matter the
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
With high
temps and low humidity,
MN DNR has placed burn
restrictions on many
counties throughout the
state. We will monitor
the DNR website and keep
owners updated on the
this status. Please
responsible fire
precautions when
enjoying the holiday
weekend. We all would
like a campground to
come back to next spring
(wink, wink)! We have
posted several notices
throughout the
campground relaying
this information
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
It is that time of year
If you have a leaky
spigot, please contact
the office. We are
compiling a list for
blow-out as that is the
best time for us to
replace them. If you
don't call us, we won't
The office number is
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Saturday, Sept. 2nd from
4 PM to 6 PM.
We are still
looking for more dishes!
We will be supplying
pulled pork sandwiches
and baked beans. We have
few on the sign-up but
we have plenty of room
on it! Make sure to
bring your own
beverage (unless we have
someone do punch)!
We have posted the
important dates around
the campground so that
owners can plan their
fall schedule!
Here they
Sept. 5th
Cluster 1 pool shut down
Sept. 11th Cluster
2 pool shut down
(This is weather
9th CS
#2, CS #3, CS
#4 will close
10th Annual
blow-out will begin
Storage/Office hours
will change (It
will be Tuesday-Saturday
8:30 am to 4:30 pm. If
an owner needs access to
the boneyard outside of
those hours, they will
need to make
27th Office Closes
for the season
27th CS #1 and CS #5
close and Electricity is
off for the season
haven't spoke with Yde's
yet to confirm when
laundry services will
end. We will keep you
updated when we are able
to speak with them!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
The community yard sale
is set for 9 am to 2 pm
tomorrow. Everyone is
welcome to set up a
table in the outlot. We
are asking those that
have items in the
overflow parking to
please find alternative
parking from the
hours of 8 am to 3 pm
tomorrow so that we have
more room for those that
have tables. We have
very few tables to
borrow owners and they
will be first come,
first serve. If we ran
out of room, we will
utilize the field!!!
See all of you tomorrow!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
8/16/2023 part 2
WBCC Owners:
Management has FINALLY
been able to look at
storage for the year. We
have found that there
are 19 storage lots that
are still unpaid. We
looked through receipts
CC charges for the
season to double check.
We will be reassigning
any empty spots on
8/23/2023 if no one
comes forward to pay for
the lot. If the spot has
items in it,
we will begin the lien
process as per the
The following lots are
the ones that have items
in them and they are not
paid for:
These are the lots that
are empty and will be
leased out to others:
If you see your storage
lot number on this page,
please contact the
office immediately to
arrange payment. If the
office doesn’t hear from
you expect a letter if
there are
items in the spot. If
there are no items, we
will rent the spot out!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Some of you may have
noticed some signs about
a lost cat that is gray
or black and white. The
office was contacted
this morning by an owner
in the Fawn lane area
that has spotted this
cat. The problem we
having is there
is no contact
information for the
owners who seem to care
and miss this wonderful
cat very much. If you
are that owner, can you
please contact the
office so you can be
contacted when the cat
is spotted again!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
At around 12:30 pm, the
office recieved a report
of a mama bear and her
cub hanging around
Plumwood Trail and
Whispering Drive down in
Cluster 1. It is the
time of year where the
bear population will be
looking for food to
fatten themselves up for
the long winter
hibernation. Mama bears
will defend their cubs,
so give them a wide
berth when you encounter
them. Do not give them
any reason to think you
are a threat as
they will react without
prejudice. And remember,
the average black bear
can sprint up 35
The entrance gate for
Cluster 2 is fixed!! A
wire was pulled out from
its spot which caused
the reader to stop
communicating with the
pedestal. This is why
some of you noticed that
you would swipe your
card only to have it
not raise the gate.
Thank you for your
patience regarding this
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Well campers, we almost
made it the season
without any major gate
issues. Unfortunately,
that streak has
officially ended. The
Cluster 2 entrance gate
is not working at the
moment. It seems the
card reader has stopped
communicating with the
gate arm as of 6:59 AM.
Dan (our gate guy)
thinks it might be the
circut board in the
pedestal. We will know
more when he comes on
Monday to troubleshoot
the gate and repair the
Office hours on
Sunday 8/13/2023 will
start at 10 AM as Deb
had a prior engagement
to attend and won't be
back in the area until
Do you have unwanted
treasures or do you have
a crafting hobby and
want to make a little
dough? Then we have the
event for you! The
Whitebirch RV & Camping
Clusters will be holding
their annual community
sale on Saturday, August
19th. Everyone who has
items or projects they
want to sell are welcome
to set up in the Cluster
2 overflow lot from 9am
to 2 pm. We are working
on signs to place on
County Road 11 and Dove
St. so
people around the area
can come browse.
Management is
debating about how to do
the Labor Day picnic. We
are thinking a big
potluck lunch and an ice
cream social may be a
great way to end the
summer this year. We
would love to hear your
thoughts on this idea.
Call or swing by the
office to give your
opinion or sign-up to
bring a dish!
Have a great day!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon Ghouls
and Goblins!
It had been so fun to
watch all of you looking
for the medallion from
the office. It is 4:14
pm, and as far as the
office knows, the
medallion is still out
Deb had a prior
engagement, so the
office will be closed
tomorrow, Sunday,
8/6/2023. Please call
the campground cell
phone if there is an
urgent matter that needs
to be addressed. Normal
hours will resume on
There will be a caldron
of candy by the office.
Make sure to stop by
with your litttle trick
or treaters!!!
Have a wonderful
WBCC Manager
Hello WBCC!
If you happen to get
injured near a comfort
station and use the
comfort station to clean
up, please let the
office know that your
blood is in the comfort
station. Our cleaning
staff and myself are
trained in dealing with
biohazardous spills so
that you as owners do
not get exposed to blood
born pathegons (We are
not insinuated that
anyone in the campground
has a blood born
pathegon, but it's
better to be safe). But
we cannot
properly address an
issue we have no
knowledge of, so please
leave call the office
after you deal with the
injury. We are unsure of
what occurred in the
men's side of the
Clubhouse/Cluster Pool
bathroom, but we are
hoping the
individual is okay and
please know that the
area was properly
sanitized and is safe
for use.
P.S. To the cart full of
juvenile girls that came
out of the lower part of
Cluster 2 (Buck Ave) at
around 1:30 PM: If
your golf cart wheels
sound like they have a
horrible stutter when
you turn the corner, you
took the
corner WAY TOO FAST.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Just a quick
many of you know, there
has been a black utility
trailer parked in the
Cluster 1 overflow
parking area near the
tennis court for several
years. Two weeks ago,
management placed a
parking warning stating
the trailer would be
towed on 7/28/2023. We
would prefer that the
owner move it rather
than towing it. In a
last ditch effort, we
asking all owners to
help in identifying the
owner of this utility
trailer. If you know who
it belongs to, please
contact them
the office immediately.
If the trailer is still
unclaimed after a seven
(7) day period
(8/4/2023), we will be
forced to have it towed
by an outside agency.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon Ghouls
and Goblins!
An ominious fog,
ghosts, zombies, and
CANDY will invade the
Campground starting
August 4th. Our annual
Halloween Weekend has
arrived! Marissa and
Anders have a great line
up of events for the
There will be a lot
decorating contest, a
medallion hunt, and a
costume contest. On
Saturday, August 5th,
our little ghouls and
goblins will be walking
about the campground
collecting treats or
pulling tricks from 5pm
Watch this website,
social media, and around
the campground for the
Medallion Hunt clues! It
won't be as easy as last
Stay Cool Owners!
Have a great day,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
I will start today's
post with an old adage:
"When the cat's away,
the mice will play!"
I think this is a
befitting statement for
the shenanigans that
took place near the
office on the hazy but
beautiful Sunday
afternoon that ripped me
from my day at the beach
with my son. I could
give you, as owners, the
well thought out speech
about golf carts and
safety I had swirling
about my brain. I could
even threaten to ban
golf carts within the
cluster altogether, but
my job description does
not include parenting
you as
This is all I am going
to say on the issue:
Golf carts are not some
power wheels toy you
give a two-year-old to
drive around the yard to
entertain themselves
while you, the adult,
sit on your deck
drinking a beer. Golf
carts, especially the
jacked-up ones, are a
vehicle that can hurt or
even KILL someone. The
child that broke their
collar bone this weekend
is lucky it was just a
collar bone. It could
have easily been their
neck or back. Whitebirch
Camping & RV will not
bare any legal
repercussions for golf
cart accidents as we
have safety measures in
place like speed limits,
a minimum age
requirement, and DNR ATV
safety certification
requirement for children
under the age 15 that
will absolve of us from
any liability. The legal
repercussions will fall
solely on the owner of
the golf cart for
allowing the cart to be
operated in an unsafe
manner such as speeding,
attempting to drift
around corners, jumping
speed bumps, and too
many people on
the cart. This is all
behavior that has been
reported to the office
by the security guards
and concerned owners in
just the last 2 weeks.
So, while you may think
your blessed little
angel of a
child/grandchild acts in
a respectful and
manner while cruising
around the campground, I
assure you, your little
mice do tend to play
when you're away! And
remember, their play
could end up costing you
a lot more than you
bargained for....
On a happy note, we are
seeing some more
movement on the Fawn
Lane project finally. If
all goes well, it is the
intention of the
electric company to have
it wrapped up in two
weeks. We will keep
owners updated!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
The Whitebirch Annual
Poker Run will be going
on this Saturday
starting at 6 pm in the
pavilion. This event is
organized by Mike &
Dawnya Mohs and will
include 8 stops in total
for owners to play games
earn a playing card. The
goal is to make a five
card poker hand. The top
three hands will earn a
prize. This is a great
way to meet your
neighbors and have a fun
night. Children are
*Mike and Dawnya will
also have a second
chance to earn a playing
card if you bring one
non-perishable food
donation for the local
food shelf with you when
you visit their lot!
Our second Fireside chat
will also happen this
Saturday up on the
clubhouse deck (by
Cluster 2 pool). We will
have Jon B. from cluster
1 and Monty B. from
cluster 2 available for
owners to meet from 9am
to 10am.
The Moose Trail playset
finished except for one
piece that we had to
have sent to us. It will
not affect the safety of
the structure, but the
monkey rings are not a
complete set at the
It is safe for smaller
children (older children
can utilize the bigger
equipment located by the
Clubhouse and CS #2) to
play on as of right now.
There is a chalkboard,
so we have placed a
container with an eraser
and chalk in it. The
container will prevent
the chalk from washing
away in the rain.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
The weather radio in the
office has issued a
severe weather watch for
Crow Wing and Cass
county for 7/19/2023
until 10 pm. This means
that weather conditions
favor the development of
severe storms
that may include
lightening strikes,
strong winds, and hail.
In the event that severe
weather hits the
campground, please
follow the severe
weather plan posted on
every comfort station.
This plan asks owners to
to the convention center
at Breezy Point Resort
for shelter. IF AND ONLY
Comfort stations 1
(cluster 1 pool ) and 5
(cluster 2 on Bear Claw
are brick buildings and
will be safer than any
other structures in the
campground. If there is
lightening, the pools
will close for the
remainder of the evening
for the safety of
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!!
We have a
new Administrative
assistant in the office.
Her name is Debbie. Our
office hours will run
8:30 am to 4:30 pm seven
days a week. Stop in and
say hi!
If your cards are not
working as of 11 am this
morning, it is because
you have not paid your
maintenance fees for the
2023 season. An
immediate payment or a
payment plan is required
for the cards to be
reactiviated. You may
to the campground office
or go to the corporate
offices to do either. If
you make a payment plan
and break the agreement,
your cards will be
deactived until full
payment is recieved. IF
point of the lockout is
for the owner to contact
the office to make
arrangements! If you
have paid, please come
to the office with proof
of payment.
If you are a new owner
in the past 2 seasons
and have not come to the
office for your new
owner orientation
packet, please do so
immediately. We need to
get your cards and other
information switched
into your name
so when we audit cards,
we don't shut off your
cards as new owners. We
watch and compare the
county property website
information to the
information we have on
file and if we see a
recent sale, we will
shut cards down that are
in the
former owners name. This
keeps it so only current
owners have access to
the campground.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Hello WBCC!
We had some people
decide that jumping the
pool fence in cluster 2
was okay. While we have
located most of the
offenders and gave them
their consequence for
jumping the pool fence,
we are having trouble
identifying the 4 young
from Cluster 1 that were
with them. They are all
white males between the
ages 18-25, between 5'8"
to 6'1", between 160 to
210 lbs. Two were blonde
and two were dark
haired. One wore a grey
baseball cap backwards,
khaki shorts,
light blue longsleeve.
One wore a straw woven
cowboy hat, black
longsleeve Nike hoodie,
and dark gray or blue
printed shorts. One wore
a light pink or white
t-shirt and black
shorts. And the last one
was wearing a black
hoodie with graphics and
They drove a newer white
honda with a hatchback
style back window. If
you know who these
gentlemen are, please
let management know!
I have had a few people
come to the office with
some concerns that the
vandalism occuring down
in Cluster 1 may be
racially motivated.
While I do not take
stock in rumors, I want
each and every owner in
the campground to
understand one thing
about myself right now.
I have not, do not, and
will not tolerate
discrimination of any
kind at any point. If
this is true, I will
make it my mission to
prosecute the offending
party to fullest extent
of the law
under the Federal and
Minnesota discrimination
statutes. It is one
thing to have a
difference of opinion on
subjects like
ethnicities, creeds, or
sexual orientations, but
to actively stomp on the
rights of your fellow
human beings
is a notion I do not
tolerate. My
housekeepers are
amazing, hard working
people who would be
welcome at my dinner
table any day of the
week. They deserve
respect for the job they
are willing to take on
for the campground,
because I have
news for you, there are
some owners in the
campground that have
some very nasty bathroom
habits. I would know
because I spent the
first half of last year
cleaning the toilets for
the campground.
And to those complaining
about the locked comfort
station. While we
understand how owners
may feel it is unfair
for management punish
all for the actions of
the few, it is also
unfair for the same
owners to have to pay
for the vandalism
through increased
wage costs and damage
costs. Management must
make it known that the
behavior won't be
tolerated and that we
will shut comfort
stations down to ensure
that those costs do not
become burdensome to
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Hello Campground
management has made the
heartbreaking decision
to shut down Comfort
Station #1 until further
notice. It appears our
vandals thought we made
an empty threat about
locking down comfort
Comfort Station 2 and 3
will remain open as long
as they remain vandalism
free. When we are able
to do a deep clean (the
feces on the walls and
floor make it hard to
keep the bathroom open
for the time being), we
MIGHT open Comfort
Station #1 back up for
owners. And of course,
if you know who the
offending party is,
please reach out to the
office as we would
prefer to allow the
offending party the
pleasure of cleaning
own fecal matter off the
We would like owners to
know that while you may
be able to find our
posts on the facebook
pages, Whitebirch INC.
has absolutely nothing
to do with the content,
comments, or how the
pages operate. In fact,
the only time management
anything on these pages
is if another owner
brings it to our
attention in the office.
These pages are ran by
owners inside the
campground and they are
the responsible parties
for the pages. If you
are have issues with
these sites, message
the page's
In the campground
by-laws, there is a
clause that states
owners are not allowed
to park on the side of
the street or community
outlots. On Sunday,
during the unsanctioned,
very illegal fireworks
display, we had an
entire road blocked
by spectators. The
problem with blocking
the roads is, in the
event there is a medical
emergency within the
area, there are precious
seconds wasted when EMTs
or Police Officers need
to wait for vehicles and
golf carts to move. And
medical emergencies like
a heart attack or a
Have a fantastic day!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Happy 4th of July
This weekend was fairly
uneventful considering
the past. There were a
couple of incidents
1. Fireworks! We know it
may seem we are just
trying to spoil the
holiday fun, but the no
firework rule is there
for safety. One spark in
this campground could
mean that 750 campsites
would be up in flames.
That is something that
we would hate to see
2. We have a report of a
pellet gun being used
inside the campground.
Its use resulted in a
shot out vehicle window
and possible damage to a
camper. We will remind
owners that there is
CAMPGROUND. This means
all bb guns, pellet
guns, airsoft guns,
paintball guns,
crossbows, hand guns, or
rifles. If you hear gun
sounds, the only
call should be
to Breezy Point Police.
3. To the owners that
took it upon themselves
to try and bury the
speedbumps on Plumwood
Trial because they don't
like them. If you don't
like them, then you are
probably one of the
people that caused them
be placed there in the
first place and they
will continue to be
placed throughout the
cluster until it gets
through that YOU NEED TO
4. The pool table balls
have been found! They
were in the table stuck
behind a rubber ball of
the same size that was
stuck in the table.
Crisis averted!!!
5. We were very
disappointed to see
glass bottle tops
scattered throughout the
pool area. Don't be the
reason why the pool gets
shut down!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
A few things before the
holiday weekend.....
1. Boat Docks:
Slips are first come,
first serve period. This
means if you leave your
slip, it is a free slip
for someone to use.
There are no "save my
spot" by leaving ropes
on the cleats. There are
120 boats stickers
out there and only 30
2. We are seeing people
just grabbing boneyard
spots. These spots are
assigned to people that
pay for them. If you
have something in a spot
that is not assigned to
you, it will be moved to
an overflow lot for the
tow truck.
I have (the single
person that I am) is
trying very hard to deal
with everything
regarding storage as
quickly as possible. We
still have plenty of
owners that have not
paid for storage (like
lot dues) and it takes
me 90 days to kick them
out (hence
why I am trying to
rewrite the storage
3. We are watching for
extra campers....you
will be billed for an
extra camper if you have
not registered it with
4. Free Picnic for the
4th celebration will
start at 4 pm. If you
would like to help serve
or grill (we have a few
helpers already), we
would like you to be
there by 3 pm for
5. Cornhole sign-up will
be at the picnic. If you
are interested, come see
us! The tournament ill
be held from 7 pm to 11
pm while Caleb Erickson
is playing in the
6. On Sunday, 7/2, there
will be some acoustic
guitar players and a
open karoke night. Free
to all! Just bring your
voice, your ears, and
maybe some of your own
liquid courage!
And most importantly:
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC....
Quite frankly, this is
absolutely appalling
that management must
make a post like this!!!
Our cleaning crew has
informed us that there
are some issues going on
in the comfort stations
in Cluster 1. They have
noticed that owners who
are using the toilets
are not flushing the
toilets. In Comfort
Station 3, they are
rocks in the
toilets that were thrown
in before someone is
using the toilet for a
number two. This is the
same comfort station we
had to replace soap
dispensers in after
someone tried to rip
them off the wall. If
the behavior in the
stations continue,
management will be
forced to close them
down. Remember, while we
enjoy offering amenities
like the pools and
comfort stations to
owners, they are not
required for us to
offer. Port-o-potties
are much cheaper for the
budget and you won't
have to flush them.....
So, three things.....
1. Flush the toilet when
you are done....ya lazy
2. If you have a plugged
toilet, there are
plungers in every
restroom. If the toilet
remains plugged after
plunging, please call
the office and let us
'EM!!! Again, the few
are ruining it for the
Also, the restroom
closed for cleaning
signs are put out for a
reason. Especially for
the men's restrooms as
the staff are female. It
is very rude to walk
into a restroom THAT IS
tell the staff that "if
don't want to hear me,
you better leave". If
the restroom is closed
for cleaning, please
utilize one of the other
4 comfort stations
available to owners for
the time being.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
After speaking with the
electricians this
morning, we are going to
see a further delay with
the Fawn Lane udgrade
due to weather. We are
trying to reschedule for
tomorrow, but might have
to wait until after the
holiday weekend so we
do not have owners
tripping over the power
company workers and
electricians during the
holiday. We want you to
know that we are as
frustrated with the
progression of this
project as you are. This
project has been plagued
by major
delays like losing the
original electrician,
broken mule tapes, and
having the wrong
neutrals since the
moment the boring
company broke ground. We
are trying with every
fiber of our being to
get this project
complete as quickly as
We are literally at the
mercy of these companies
at the moment.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
While taking care of the
pools this morning, we
noticed some glass
bottles in the pool
garbages in the Cluster
2 pool area. While we
know owners are careful,
accidents happen! One
shard of glass in the
pool area...just one
tiny piece of
glass in the pool, will
force us to drain the
pools to make sure they
are glass free. The
pools would be down for
at a minimum of 3 to 4
weeks. With a very short
outdoor pool season in
Minnesota, that would be
detrimental to the pool
availibilty for
the season. DO NOT BRING
There around 62 owners
that have not paid the
annual maintenance
If an owner has not paid
their dues or at least
made payment
arrangements with the
corporate office by
6/30/2023, their cards
will be shut off that
day. You may pay them in
the campground office
when it is open or
Kersten at (218)
562-7574 to make a
arrangement. Kersten is
only temporarily taking
care of payments. She is
not a normal point of
contact, please use
Desirae for any other
Thank you,
WBCC Managerment
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Fawn Lane Electricity
Update: All the new
neutrals that the state
inspector had us change
have been landed into
the proper breaker
boxes. On Tuesday 6/27
or Wednesday 6/28, Crow
Wing Power and Precision
Electric will be here to
land the breakers to the
transformers. Each
transformer will take 1
to 2 hours to land.
Everyone in the lower
part of cluster 2 will
lose power on this day
INCLUDING the office. We
will still
be here, but you will
need to call the
cellphone that day and
we will be out and about
in the campground
(because there will be
no air in the office and
it gets stuffy)! We
don't anticipate that
anyone in the upper part
of cluster 2 will be
We have placed flyers up
around the campground
with the parade route,
list of events, and the
details about the
Cornhole Tournament. We
still need volunteers to
help with serving and
BBQing on Saturday. If
you are
willing to help out,
please let the office
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
We will be having our
annual Fourth of July
Celebration on Saturday,
July 1st. We will hold
the golf cart parade at
10 am. The annual free
picnic will begin at 4
pm. We are looking for
volunteers willing to
and serve for that day.
If you are interested,
please let the office
know. We are also trying
to arrange some music
and a cornhole
tournament during the
evening hours. More
details and flyers to
We are trying to nail
down a list of owners
that are willing to host
a stop for our annual
Poker Run. This is a
great way to get to know
your neighbors. If you
are interested in being
a host, please let the
office know so we can
relay that information
to the owner who is
organizing the Poker
The same owners who
hosted the annual
Halloween celebration
last year is going to
host it again this year.
They haven't given a
date yet, but it will be
either the first or
second week of August!
Sounds they have the
hunt and the
Halloween costume
contest like last year.
We have a few owners in
the campground that
would like to have some
potlucks over the
season. If that is
something that owners
would be willing to
participate in, let the
office know and we will
work with the owners
suggested it in order to
nail down dates and
Management went to check
on the docks today and
we had 2 boats parked
with blue stickers. Like
we have said before, if
you don't want to buy a
sticker, we will not
force you to....but
don't be surprised if we
your boat at your
expense. You have been
warned! (We have sticker
numbers and the
owner/boat they are
associated with).
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Our first Fireside chat
will be on Saturday
6/17/2023 at 9 am to 10
am in the Clubhouse
(Cluster 2 pool). This
is the time where owners
can come meet two of
their committee members
and ask questions
or voice their concerns.
We will have Sue from
Cluster 2 and Jean from
Cluster 1.
Speaking of Saturday...
Office hours will be
shorten on Saturday
because I have a baby
shower (proud future
auntie here) to attend
with Vicki. I will be in
the campground until 11
I will extend the
hours on Thursday and
Friday to try and make
up for Saturday! I will
be in the office until
5:30 pm both days. I
know this is an
inconvenience for owners
and apologize
but if you are
interested in our
administrative assistant
opening, please apply at
Fawn Lane Electrical
update: We spoke with
Precision Electric and
the electrical inspector
sneaked into the
campground when we
weren't looking and
tagged us on a couple
things. Between waiting
on items
and the power company
tech being booked out,
we have seen the project
come to a stand still.
But after speaking with
Precision Electric, we
should start seeing some
more movement in the
next week. They will
let me know when the
outages will occur so I
can let owners know when
to expect them.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Morning WBCC!
We normally greet you
with Good Morning or
Good Afternoon, but this
morning was not a good
morning. We had to make
a police report because
of criminal damage done
to the Cluster 1 pool.
The state
required stickers were
peeled off and placed in
the skimmers. The gate
latch was broke and the
back side of the fence
was damaged further. We
know these seem like
petty items and it is
with a heavy heart
that we say the next
things because once
again the actions of a
few will affect the
whole. The pools are an
amenity and are not a
requirement for us to
provide. If this type of
behavior continues, we
will be
forced to drain the
pools and cover them for
the season, because not
having the proper state
required signage
displayed or the proper
gate locks will allow
the state to revoke our
pool operation
(and they are scheduled
to do our inspection
soon). These items do
cost money and once
again it is a cost that
gets spread among all
owners even though the
majority of you are
great about making sure
campground stays nice
for all.
If anyone has any
information about the
events that occurred in
the late night
hours at the Cluster 1
pool, please contact Jay
Lorch with Breezy Point
Police or the office.
We are working on the
letter list for mowing
and other violations at
the moment. We noticed
that after going through
the clusters and making
our list, many of the
properties were mowed or
taken care of by other
community members. We
still send a letter
about lawn maintanence
but will let the owner
know they owe a debt of
gratitude to their
fellow campground owners
for taking time out of
their lives to help
out a neighbor. To those
that sacrificed their
time and labor, the
office and other fellow
campground owners want
to give a big thanks for
that because you have
helped make the
campground a better
place all around!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
* The quarter machine is
up and running now. It
takes $1, $5, and $10
only. It is located
inside the clubhouse and
will be available from
* The Fireside chat for
this Saturday will be
postponed until
6/17/2023. I got so busy
this week, I forget to
arrange everything and I
don't want to spring it
on the committee members
at the last minute.
is 100% my fault and I
apologize profusely for
my poor time management
this week.
Have a great weekend!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
* Boat Stickers: We hear
that there are many
complaints about having
to buy a new boat
sticker on a bi-annual
basis (the odd years).
While we recognize your
frustration with this
newer policy, it will
because it is the only
way to make sure that
only current owners are
using the BRAND NEW
docks that are provided
to owners as an amenity.
The property turnover
rate over the past two
has skyrocketed meaning
the amount of former
owners that have a blue
sticker is also
skyrocketing! We have
sent off the proof for
the new signage that
will face the water from
the outside corners of
the docks to
let others know that
your docks are private.
If you truly do not want
to purchase a dock
sticker, you do not have
to....BUT don't expect
to use the WBCC docks.
Please know, that as
your campground manager,
doing my best to make
sure your questions,
concerns, and ideas
(especially about the
docks) are being relayed
to corporate and that I
advocate for you as
owners to insure that
your time spent here is
* Spent the day roving
around Cluster 2 and
assessing lots for lawn
maintainance and
junk/debris. We have
noticed a lot of very
long grass and weeds
popping up through
landscaping rock among
other concerns. Letters
will be going out within
the week and owners will
be given 20 days to
address the issues. We
will be roving around
Cluster 1 tomorrow.
* Due to an prior
appointment that took
months to get (and the
lack of an adminstrative
assisstant), the office
hours tomorrow will be
cut short. I will be in
the office from 8:30 am
to 12 pm.
We will extend hours on
Friday and Saturday to
5:30 pm to make sure
owners have access to
the office.
* We have put up hiring
notices around the park.
We are looking for 2 PT
guards (weekends are a
must), 1 PT
assisstant, 1 PT
groundskeeper (for
mulching and weeding).
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
With the appearance of
June bugs, we must be
heading into the
official summer months.
Just a couple reminders:
*All owners are
responsible for their
lot's lawn maintainence
whether they are using
it or not. We are seeing
a lot of tall grass
around the clusters. If
you are not able to come
to the campground, we
suggest you hire a yard
company. There are two
owners that own
landscaping businesses
that do a ton of
yardwork in the
campground already. They
do excellent work!
Benage Hardscapes (Jason
Benage): (218) 513-4417
or reach out through
Preferred Lawn & Tree
(Jamie Ogg): (320)
250-9806 or (320)
333-2888 Jamie is
also liscensed and
bonded for tree removal.
We will be going through
the clusters next week
to assess lots. Letters
will follow shortly. If
we have to mow your lots
after sending a letter,
fees will START at $50
as lawn maintainence is
something we are not
to do for owners. If
maintainence has to get
off their mowers at any
point, the fee will go
up. We don't weed whip
or deal with trees or
*If you are looking to
set up service through
Charter Communications,
this is the information
they want for a service
You will
speak with the
residential service
Cluster 1: Give
them the address: 30615
Ranchette Drive, Breezy
Point, MN 56472.
You will then give them
your block (they call it
a building number)
number and your lot
2: Give them the
address: 7070 Dove
Street, Breezy Point, MN
56472. You will then
give them your block
number and your lot
If you do this, you will
not be told the manager
needs to approve
service. Make sure you
don't list the
campground address as a
billing address,
otherwise you won't get
a bill....
*We have some ideas for
activites over the
summer, but still very
few volunteers to help
with or run activites.
We would love to bring
back the activities the
Covid-19 era took from
us but we can't do it by
*Still lots of storage
lots not paid for yet.
If they remain unpaid by
the time the office
reopens Tuesday, late
fees will be applied and
reassessment of open
lots will
begin (We have the
waiting list and we will
call people when we are
ready to assign
spots).You may contact
Allison (Jeff's admin)
at (218) 562-7577 on
Monday to pay it with
her also.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Hello WBCC!
This last weekend was
projected to be the busy
Memorial Day weekend
since 2017 and it did
not disappoint! A few
things that were brought
to our attention this
wonderful Tuesday:
have had several reports
of dogs running out of
lots and up to people.
Remember, even the best
trained dogs can act
unpredictably. We have
lots that were
given to us but we would
like to give all owners
a broad warning about
the issue raised before
calling out specific
* There were several
calls about young
children (under the age
of 5) being allowed to
play in the roadways
this weekend. Yes, the
speed limit is 5 MPH in
the clusters, and yes,
but that does not mean
should be yelling at
motorists driving by
their young
IN THE STREET. If you do
not allow your two year
old child to play in the
road at home, one would
think they
shouldn't be playing
in the roadway here.
There are plenty of
parks and outlots
throughout the
campground that provide
safe places for children
to play in!
*Whoever thought it was
funny to leave the all
the showers on in the
Clubhouse Women's
bathroom, if it happens
again, you will be fined
the on-call wages to
have maintainance to fix
the filter on their day
*Whoever traded out our
basketball for a
blue/white/yellow SDSU
basketball, please
return it back to the
office. Thank you in
Otherwise, we think the
first big weekend was a
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
The morning meeting went
very well this morning!
Thank you for all the
positive feedback that I
have received as your
campground manager. I
appreciate it.
*The dock situation: Our
scheduled to arrive on
Tuesday. They should be
in by next weekend. You
are welcome to use
Breezy Center "first
come, first serve" docks
until ours
are in. DO NOT PARK
* If you are a person
that is willing to
volunteer for campground
events like the 4th of
July picnic, Labor Day
picnic, Halloween
weekend, a weed pull
weekend, and other
activities, please let
the office know, so we
can get a list going for
*The couple that is
organizing this year's
Poker Run would like a
list of owners that are
willing to be stops for
it. They plan on hosting
it either July 22nd or
July 29th this year.
They will let the office
know when
they nail down the
* We have another couple
that want to organize a
weed pull to the beds
scattered around the
common areas in both
clusters (we are laying
down new mulch this
year). If you are
willing to spend some
pulling weeds, please
let the office know.
*Golf Cart rules: 11 and
under are not allowed to
drive golf carts in the
12–14-year-olds can
drive golf carts in the
campground IF they have
completed the MN DNR ATV
safety certification
course and have their
with the
certification attached.
Any child caught without
a lanyard will be asked
to park the golf cart
immediately. We will
place a No Trespassing
order on any child the
continually breaking
this rule. The parents
of the child will also
receive a No Trespassing
order, if they continue
to allow their child to
break this rule. Golf
carts are just as
dangerous as any other
offroad vehicles.
* Speaking of ATV's.....
if the office keeps
getting reports of ATVS
speeding around down in
cluster one, we will
have a serious
discussion with the
campground committee
about the future of
allowing ATVs in the
clusters. There have
been 21 ATV deaths in
the state of Minnesota
this year already (ATV
trail season started May
1st--that is almost a
death a day). We do not
want to add to that
number as a campground!
* Fawn Lane electric
upgrade should be
completed in the next
couple weeks. Owners
will have power outages
during this time. It
will be during the slow
times of the weekdays.
We will inform owners as
needed and we have some
space in the freezers
and fridge if needed.
* We will be mapping out
Cluster 1's electricity
this year. I will bring
the map with me this
fall to have a planning
discussion with Jeff
about how to approach
upgrading the
electricity to handle
50-amp service loads. We
keep owners updated
about this. When we map
out the Cluster, owners
will see power outages
for short periods of
time. We can give a
general idea on the area
that will lose power at
that time but not
specific lots (hence the
mapping project in the
first place).
If you haven't paid the
utility fee for an extra
camper on a lot, we will
send letters out after
this week! Any unpaid
utility fees associated
with a lot will be added
to annual dues next
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
The holiday weekend is
in full swing already
and it is getting busy
in the campground. A
couple of things that
were noticed today:
There is 5
MPH speed limit in the
clusters. This applies
to everyone and begins
from the moment you
enter either cluster. We
are seeing people speed
by the office when they
first open the gate and
when they
leaving. Just so
everyone is aware, we
can and will report you
to Breezy Point Police
for reckless driving if
extreme speeding
the owner who threw
their fish guts on the
golf cart path: We will
not tolerate that
behavior. We already
have a bear hanging
around at the moment and
fish guts will not help
the situation. We will
find out who
are and the could be
reprecussions for
behavior like this
because it is placing
other people in the
campground in danger.
sure you have control of
your pets while in the
clusters. They are to be
leashed at all times. We
had an incident
yesterday with one of
owners. They have a
split lip from a dog who
jumped up on them as
were out for a walk.
They are not angry with
the dog or their owner,
but it is very important
that we all keep our
pets under control.
cluster one gate is
fixed and working!!!!
See you
tomorrow for our annual
meeting (there will be
muffins, fruit, and
coffee--if I can figure
out the big coffee
Thank you,
Desirae WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon!
There was another bear
sighting today in
Cluster 2! Be careful
and keep your distance.
A black bear can sprint
up to 35 MPH, so there
is no running away. Take
birdfeeders down for
awhile to discourage the
bear from
sticking around.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
BRRRR.....it is a chilly
one this afternoon. But
don't worry, we will be
back in the 80's this
A few things:
* Lee has arrived! He
working very hard to get
the mowing done and the
rest of spring clean up
done before this
weekend. Make sure to
thank him when you see
The guard shack electric
has been fixed! The in
gate is still up because
the card reader is not
communicating with the
gate. We are very
sure that this is
happening because we
missed something
that is supposed to be
plugged in. We have our
gate person coming to
investigate though.
* We have replaced a lot
of the activity items
throughout the
Campground. Owners and
their guests will find
basketballs, and
footballs up by the
clubhouse to enjoy.
There is a new
volleyball net.
They will find frisbee
golf discs by the
office. In the tennis
court, they will find a
new pickleball net to
replace the old green
net, new pickleballs
(and the new paddles
from last year), four
new tennis rackets
and tennis balls, a
basketball, and a
football. If owners or
guests notice any of the
inflated balls need air,
we have a ball inflator
in the office. We are
allowing free access to
these items right now,
but if it is
noticed that they are
being abused or stolen,
we will default to a
checkout out system for
these items.
* Small reminder that
there will be a meeting
on Saturday, May 27th at
10:30 am for all owners
to attend if they wish.
During this meeting, we
would like to hear your
ideas for activities for
the summer that
I challenged all owners
to brainstorm through
the off season. Make
sure all ideas have a
plan of execution with
them (what day(s),
volunteers to run them,
and what is needed from
the office). Ideas may
things like a monthly
bingo night, crafts for
adults or crafts for
children, or storytime
for children. Our
activities budget is
limited, but we have
wiggle room for things!
We are working on
mounting a monthly
calendar by the office.
* We are
looking to compile a
list of first responders
that live throughout
both clusters. In the
event of a medical
emergency, quick access
to a person that knows
life saving measures
like CPR can improve
survivial odds
If you are a first
responder, please let
the office know. We
would like to meet with
you to run a plan by you
on how to let owners
know who are the first
responders in each
cluster and who is
available on any given
day. As always, it
is very important to
always call 911 in the
event of any medical
Thank you,
Quick Clarifications:
Right-of-way means the
roads. Owners are not
supposed to use the
side of the road as a
means of parking. You
may stop on the side for
a few minutes or unload
things from a vehicle,
but parking on the
side of the road
consistantly is not
acceptable. There are
overflow lots if you
need them.
What can go into the
rolloffs: lawn
furniture, construction
materials, unwanted
house items like tables,
chairs, bookshelves,
etc. (Household garbage
is consider food scraps
and empty containers),
metal is allowed
but we have an owner who
hauls it in for scrap
value and donates the
money to an non-profit
Matteresses and Carpet
are considered
biohazards and cost a
lot to get rid of and
the same logic applies
to hazardous materials
like gas, oil, and
We hope this answers any
questions, otherwise
please call the office
if you have a question!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Cluster 2 exit gate has
been fixed and didn't
take 6 months!
Yippeeee!! Cluster 1
gates are not broke, the
problem is in the guard
The rolloff will arrive
this afternoon.
Remember, follow the
rules or we have it
picked up to never
* No Matteresses or
Carpet rolls
* No Household garbage
(Use the regular
* No Hazerdous materials
(paints, oil, gas, or
any other chemicals)
* No Tires
* No Appliances
* No Electronics
* No Burnt materials
* No Brush or Leaves
There will also be a
small trailer next to
the rolloff for METAL
only. Please utilize it
for all metal items so
the rolloff doesn't fill
as fast.
Chlorination process is
complete! MN Dept. of
Health will come out
when it is convienent
for them to test the
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
As many of you already
know, there has been a
bear sighting in Cluster
2 already this year. She
is a mama bear with 2
cubs. We are asking
owners to avoid hanging
out birdfeeders for the
time being. Bird seeds
and hummingbird nectar
are appealing to bears
and will encourage them
to stick around because
there is a food source.
We know that cubs are
cute but stay away from
them. Mama bears react
very aggressively
when they feel their
young is in danger and
can out run even the
fastest of humans. So if
you happen to see
them....admire from a
very, very safe distance
because mama bear is
never too far away!
All owners should have
recieved notice from
Crow Wing County Land
Services about land
assessments being done
in the clusters. Owners
will notice a gentleman
from CWC Land Services
wondering around for
a majority of the season
starting in a couple of
weeks. He will be
walking around lots to
assess them. Please be
respectful when you
encounter him as he is
just doing the task
assigned to him.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Wells 3 and 4 have been
chlorinated. We will
flush them after 1 pm
tomorrow. Owners in
Cluster 2 will notice a
yellowish tint to the
water for a bit because
the Cluster 1 wells are
pushing water through
"in-between" pipe. The
water will clear up
after a bit.
amazon delivery that is
sent via USPS will not
be delivered to the
office. Instead, you
will recieve a notice
that there was an issue
with your delivery. You
have 72 HRS to pick the
order up from the
Pequot Lakes post
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
We are sorry about the
lack of posts lately,
but last week was a very
busy week for the
office. We believe all
the water issues have
been resolved now. The
last of which was a
component to the well
drive for one
of the wells. Thank you
all to the owners for
having patience through
the whole beginning of
the season process.
Sometimes we get lucky
and sometimes....not so
much! This year was the
latter of the two!
Laundry services in the
Clubhouse are available
Annual Reminder: There
is absolutely no parking
in the right of way!
This is covered in the
by-laws. Any vehicles
consistantly parked in
the right of way will be
towed at the expense of
the vehicle's owner.
There are overflow
parking lots located
near the office in
Cluster 2 and by the
tennis court in Cluster
1. If you do not have
room on your lot, please
utilize these lots.
Fawn Electrical: They
had some delays because
some things, but are
working very hard to
stay within reason of
Mermorial Day. They
expect to start splicing
wires to draw from the
transformers at the end
of the week.
When this happens, there
will be power loss in
the area. It should only
affect the Fawn Lane
area and the office, but
we are not sure. They
will also try to keep to
the least amount of time
possible. We will keep
owners updated about
The rolloff will be here
on Friday of this week.
We've decided to do one
big one in the storage
area this year. We keep
one here for a couple
weeks to help with
campground clean up
efforts. Same rules
apply as last year.
If the rules are not
followed, we will have
the rolloff removed and
will try again next
* No Matteresses or
Carpet rolls
* No Household garbage
(Use the regular
* No Hazerdous materials
(paints, oil, gas, or
any other chemicals)
* No Tires
* No Appliances
* No Electronics
* No Burnt materials
The Question of The Day!
Yes, we are having our
big Memorial Day meeting
this year! It will be
held on Saturday, May
27th at 10:30 am in the
Pavilion. We will raise
the big flag after the
conclusion of the
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Wells 1 & 2 were
chlorinated yesterday.
We will be turning them
back on after 2 PM to
flush the chlorine out
of the well. Owners may
smell a strong odor of
bleach in the water at
first, just flush your
lines until
you no longer smell
bleach. Wells 3 & 4 will
be shut down and they
are scheduled to be
chlorinated next week.
All five comfort
stations are very clean
and open for the season.
There are some minors
issues in comfort
station #2 on the
woman's side that should
be taken care of today.
The Clubhouse is
available to owners for
limited time during the
hours I am here at the
moment. When we see
staff begin to arrive,
the regular hours will
resume. The arcade games
will be set up within a
week or so.
HERE!!!! We are changing
out boat stickers this
year. They are still $5
per sticker (covers the
cost of printing the
stickers). You will your
boat's make, length, and
registration numbers
when you come to the
office to register your
boat. Owners will be
given until June 1st to
get the new stickers for
their boat. Remember
folks, doing this every
other year keeps former
owners from clogging up
the docks to allow
better access for
current owners.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
GREAT NEWS! Cluster 1
has water as of 4 pm
today. Big shout out to
Pratt's Excavation for
all their hard work
Chlorination of the
This is a two step
process. AT NO POINT
PROCESS. Wells 1 and 2
will be chlorinated
tomorrow. They will sit
for 24 hours and
we will fire them up. At
that time, we will shut
down wells 3 and 4 to be
chlorinated and ask
everyone to flush their
lines. We will post on
the website and on the
bulletin boards around
campground when it is
time to flush lines. The
MN Dept. of Health will
be informed of the
completion of
chlorination and will
come out to test the
wells. We had a clean
bill of health last year
and expect
the same for this year.
Pools will open Memorial
Day weekend and not any
sooner. There is a lot
to do to get these pools
ready for the year
especially cluster 2
pool. Please leave the
workers alone! They
communicate with us on a
basis and anything
important is relayed to
owners via the website
or bulletin boards. With
that said, the laundry
room in the Clubhouse
will be closed this
weekend due to dangerous
chemicals. We will let
know when it is
available. But for now,
please use the Comfort
Station #5 laundry room.
Thank you for
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Just a few things:
*Fawn Lane Electric
upgrade is moving along
nicely! They expect to
be done by early next
week. Landscaping issues
will be address after
season setup week.
*The Hot tub fix is
underway and didn't
require us to dig up the
bottom. Yippee!!
They should be done in a
few days.
*We met with the
locators today and
showed them what needed
to be located down in
Cluster 1. They will be
out tomorrow to complete
the locate. Once that is
have our excavator out
as soon as possible to
fix the 2 blow out
valves that are
preventing water for
Cluster 1.
*Laundry services will
be available after
tomorrow. We have plans
to get a quarter machine
in the clubhouse this
year. We are just
waiting on our staff to
join us.
*The Clubhouse Men's
bathroom is open for the
hot tub repair people
only. It has not been
deep cleaned and set up
for the season yet. Use
at your own risk!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
We were just informed
that the PLA annual
Spring Welcome Tree
event has been postponed
due to weather related
issues. They can't get
the trees out of the
ground safely. They will
have it on
Saturday, May 27th,
2023, at the Breezy
Point Police Department
instead. We will be
updating the posters
around the campground to
reflect these changes.
Thank you to the owner
that so graciously
informed us of
Speaking of Thank yous.
We want to thank all the
volunteers that took
hours out of their day
yesterday to make sure
the sewer and water came
on. And even though it
didn't quite go as
smoothly as we would
have liked, we
definitely appreciate it
more than you can
possibly imagine!
Thank you,
Desirae WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Water turn on
went okay....
Cluster 2 has water and
sewer running. There are
a few issues in the
Clubhouse but nothing we
can't handle. Cluster 1,
on the other hand, will
have to wait until next
On Tuesday afternoon,
Gropher State One will
be here to locate the
area in which the broken
blow valves are and our
excavator will be here
shortly after to fix it.
There is some pressure
in the lines now, so yes
there is water temporarily
until the lines
depressurize. We are
sorry about the
inconvience but we are
working as fast as we
can to get the water
flowing in Cluster 1!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Management would like to
remind everyone what
severe weather procedure
is for owners in the
there is severe weather
in our area, the Breezy
Point Convention Center
is a storm shelter. If
you cannot make it to
the convention center,
Comfort Stations 1 and 5
are brick buildings and
can be utilized
safety. Any on duty
staff will drive around
to let owners know to
seek shelter.
The question of day:
When will water be on?
GOOD NEWS: We finally
got the okay and we will
be turning on the water
in the morning.
Volunteers will be
appreciated to help open
spigots and let air out
of the line and walk the
sewer line to make sure
that is flowing
correctly (I am only one
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
PLA is hosting their
annual Spring Welcome
Tree Event this coming
Saturday, May 6th, from
9am-Noon (or until all
the trees are gone) in
the parking lot of the
Breezy Point ACE
PLA has the goal of
educating the community
surrounding the Pelican
Lake Watershed in forest
management and the
importance of keeping
our lakes clean. White
Spruces provide
sustainability in the
Pelican Lake Watershed
by providing wildlife
habitats, erosion
control, improved water
and air quality, and
many, many more
benefits. PLA are
providing packs of 25 or
50 White Spruce
seedlings to community
members at absolutely no
If owners are looking to
replace some of their
lost trees or want to
add a few, this is a
great opportunity to get
some beautiful pines for
your lots at no cost.
Thank you,
Good Afternoon WBCC!
The clusters are coming
alive with the sounds of
buzzing chainsaws, leaf
blowers, and old friends
catching up. We are
thrilled to see all the
familar faces from last
year and looking forward
to seeing all the
new ones. If you are a
new owner and have not
recieve a new owner
packet from the office,
please see us in the
office. If you have
recieved one and still
need to bring back the
new owner information
please bring it to the
office at your earliest
convienence. It allows
us to make sure gate
cards are transferred
and mailing information
is current. If you have
moved in the last year
and have a new address,
please update
your information with
the office.
We know everyone is
itching to know the
answer to the big
question: When will the
water be on?
Short answer is:
The extended forcast
still has some lows in
the thirties. We are
definitely watching it
daily to decide when the
water will be safe to
turn on as turning it on
too soon will end in
catastrophe. We hope to
know more
this coming
Quick updates:
Fawn Lane Electrical:
Unfortunately, the
weather this week didn't
cooperate with us, so
the electricians will be
here next week to work
on Fawn Lane and the
Cluster 1 guard shack.
Hot Tub: We heard back
from Ed (the pool guy)
this week. They will be
up either this coming
weekend or the following
weekend to begin the
repair. The hot tub has
a completely severed
line that will be
repaired. This means
tearing out the bottom
of the hot tub. IF it
takes the company longer
than Memorial Day to do
the repairs, Ed has
assured us that we will
still open the Cluster 2
pool with a temporary
fence dividing the area.
With that said,
if a temporary
fence is erected,
everyone must stay out
of the blocked off area
because it will be very
The office will be
closed Sunday and
Monday. It will reopen
in Tuesday.
Thank you,
Good Afternoon WBCC!
As of 4 pm today,
Comfort Station 1 has
been deep cleaned and is
open to all owners.
There is no diffinative
date for the water to be
turned on. It depends on
the weather for the next
couple weeks as we are
still falling below
freezing at night.
We understand the
concerns about cluster
1's gate situation. The
electrician has assessed
the building and has
determined that there is
a break in a line
somewhere. He will need
to return with the
equipment to find the
break and fix it. Both
gates are fully
functional (as far as we
know...). and the
problem lies in the
guard shack. Our only
option is to leave the
gates up for now in
order to allow owners
access to the cluster.
They will be operational
as soon as the electric
is fixed.
Our gate company will be
here Thursday to look at
and hopefully fix the
exit gate for Cluster 2.
We are officially in the
office. Early spring
office hours will be
8:30 am to 4:30 pm,
Tuesday through
Saturday. The storage
gate will be open during
that time.We are trying
to get our administrator
and other
staff hired as soon as
we can, so we can expand
on these hours.
Hopefully, we will have
better luck getting
hired this year. If you
or someone you know is
interested in PT/FT
seasonal employment,
please refer them to the
Breezy Point website.
We know the hot question
of this spring revolves
around the hot tub. The
company that will be
doing to work was here a
couple weeks ago to do
the leak assessment. We
are waiting to here back
on final estimates and
projected dates.
Please know we are
trying to get the hot
tub fixed as soon as
possible, but we are at
the mercy of the company
at this point.
The electrians coming up
to complete Fawn Lane
should be here in the
next week to start
feeding wire (as long as
it warms up enough to
allow the wire to be
*Oh man, I drop the ball
on that proofread.
Electrians was supposed
to be Electricians.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Hello WBCC!
Here are some quick
Cluster 1 gate situation
is a little more
extensive than we
originally thought. We
are arranging for an
electrician to come
assess the situation as
we had quite the
shocking experience in
the guard shack.
We picked up the
dressing/shower curtains
from the laundry and are
currently waiting on the
well company to come in
to get the water pumping
to Comfort Stations #1
and #5. There are a lot
of electronics that
run the well
system, and one oopsy
button push will cause
chaos. We would prefer
not to get yelled at by
the well guy! As soon as
the water is on, we will
get the antifreeze
messes cleaned up and
make sure the
comfort stations are
nice and clean for the
early birds.
If you did not recieve a
phone call from the
office today, you can be
happy to know that we
did not find any
significant damage done
to your structures....at
least none that were
blatantly obvious to us
as we scanned
through the clusters.
Office hours are not
available on consistant
basis yet as we have
lots to do in the next
week to get ready. But
as soon as everything is
caught up, we will post
the office hours.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon
Whitebirch RV & Camping
The woodpeckers are
pecking and the deer are
moving about! That must
mean spring has arrived
in Minnesota! The spring
thaw is coming along
nicely. I know we have
had some very beautiful
days this past week that
have been amazing to
bask in. But do not be
fooled by Minnesota's
false promises of better
weather, we will see a
drop in temps (that does
include a forecast of
the dirty little four
letter word: S**W) in
the coming week.
Most of both clusters
are passiable if you
have four wheel drive or
a truck. We are not in
the business of towing
out those that get
stuck, so we are
suggesting only those
that have a vehicle
designed to trek through
the muddy swamp
land of spring to
brave the clusters.
Otherwise, brave the
trek at your own risk!
Here are some quick
early season stuff:
Electricity is on as of
12 pm today! If you have
no electricity this
weekend, call Jeff
Johnson at 218-831-1919.
The frost line is
sitting between 6 inches
to 12 inches from the
surface, so it is a bit
early to turn the water
on. None of the comfort
stations are open yet.
We are hoping to see at
least Comfort Station #1
and #5 open in the next
week or two.
There are a ton of
branches down throughout
both clusters. In
Cluster 1, there is a
tree blocking Plumwood
Trial to the left of the
main entrance. We are
coordinating with Resort
maintainence to clear it
out. We did not see
a ton of damage to
structures. There were a
few though. We are
trying to get the office
up and running to let
those with damage know
about it. It is a slow
moving process.
Cluster 1 gates are not
working at the moment.
We have isolated the
problem to being a bad
backups surge protector.
I am working with resort
IT to resolve that issue
Project updates:
As much as we tried, we
were not able to get the
hot tub repair done last
company was up here a
couple days ago and did
their assessment and we
are currently waiting on
a project estimate.
We are hoping to have
that project underway
Fawn lane update: Last
fall, we decided to
bring an additional
company to finish the
electrical upgrade as
the scope of the project
was much bigger than was
originally anticipated.
We cannot give a
definitive date but it
is our goal
to have it done asap so
we can address all the
landscaping issues by
early summer.
I am looking forward to
seeing all of you soon!
WBCC Manager
Hey WBCC!!
The time has come and
the office is closing
for the season. If
owners need access to
the boneyard, they will
need to make
arrangements with Jeff
at the corporate office.
Any packages left in the
office will
be available for owners
to pick up in the
Both Comfort Stations 1
and 5 will remain open
through deer season. The
blow out of these two
station will happen on
11/22/2022. This is also
when the electricity
will be shut down for
the winter.
Thank you all for an
amazing and successful
season and see you next
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
We are aware of the
issue with the card
reader at the Cluster 1
gate. Resort Maintenance
is working on resolving
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Due to a prior
engagement, office hours
will be shorten today
and the office will
close at 3:00 pm. We
apologize if this causes
any inconvenience.
Regular hours will
resume tomorrow.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
My apologies for the
office hours being cut
this week, I was not
feeling the best (wasn't
strep or covid) and
preferred that I didn't
get everyone else sick!
The gate for cluster 2
is fixed and didn't take
4 months to fix it!
Blow-out is complete and
Comfort Stations 2,3,
and 4 are stripped and
locked. The laundry
rooms have also been
winterized and locked
for the season.
Reminder: Packages will
no longer be delivered
to the office as of
October 20th and any
packages that are not
picked up by 4:30pm on
October 26th will be
locked in the office for
the winter.
Reminder: The bone yard
will be open until 10 pm
today. Starting
tomorrow, October 14th,
the gates will be open
when management is in
the office and close for
the day when we leave.
If you need access to
the bone yard outside of
office hours, you will
be need to make
arrangements with
Desirae or Jeff prior to
the time you will need
to get in there. On
Sunday, October 16th, it
has been arranged to
open the boneyard at 8
to allow a company in to
shrink wrap several
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
We are very aware of the
gate issue at the
Cluster 2 entrance!
Unfortunately, we must
leave the arm up due to
the unpredictiablity of
the its operation at the
moment (don't want any
vehicles to be damaged).
We have a call into our
gate repair guy and he
will be up here as soon
as he can to diagnose
the issue and hopefully
repair it quickly.
The arcade games in the
clubhouse are no longer
available to owners as
the company who provides
them have come up and
prepped them for storage
over the winter.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Collectively, we have
donated already around
150 lbs. of food to the
local food pantry that
will go to people and
families in need! Great
job guys!
The last day we will be
accepting non-perishable
food items by the office
is Monday, October 10th
around 4:30 pm.
Thank you to all the
owners that participated
in the food drive!
The concrete by the
office is poured and
currently curing! Thank
you for being courteous
to the workers while
they worked. It looks
fantastic and some
landscaping will be
addressed when the
concrete sets.
All the rest of it will
be addressed in the
With the covid really
coming to an end, we in
the office would like to
see more and more
activities return
throughout the main part
of the season. Over the
winter, we are
challenging owners to
think about activities
that are feasible during
the next season. Events
like a farmer's market,
a children's crafting
hour, or whatever your
amazing imaginations can
come up
with. The kicker is
owners must be willing
to head up these
activities. In the
spring, be ready to
pitch ideas and a plan
to impliment them!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Office hours have
changed and we are
closed on Sundays and
Mondays. Otherwise we
are available from 8:30
am to 4:30 pm
Tuesday-Saturday. The
final day the office
will be open is
Wednesday, October 26th.
We will not accept any
packages after October
20th in the office.
If you left a
message for your spigot
to be fixed over the
weekend, we have added
you to the list. If you
have not mentioned it to
the office, please do so
in the next week,
otherwise you will have
to wait until after
blow out next year to
have it addressed
because it is likely
water will be turned on
prior to the
maintenance's arrival in
the spring.
We forgot to mention
that Comfort Station #2
is again open for owners
to use. It will remain
available until Monday,
October 10th. This is
when we will do a final
cleaning for Comfort
Stations 2, 3, 4 and
close them
for the season.
The next couple days, we
have a concrete crew
working by the office to
replace the rotting
boardwalk. Please be
courteous of them as you
use the entrance and
exit for Cluster 2.
Thank you,
Comfort Station #2 is
unavailable for use
until further notice. We
have some plumbing
issues going on that
need a professional. We
are working on resolving
the issue as quickly as
We understand it is an
inconvenience for the
owners around the
station, but Comfort
Stations 1 and 3 are
still available (and CS
#1 has heat...) for
Thank you for your
WBCC Manager
Reminder: If you have a
leaky spigot, please
call the office at
218-562-5474 before
October 11th, and let us
know about them. Please
do not wait until spring
to let us know as it is
much easier to address
when the lines are blown
out. We stay much drier!
The office will be
officially closed on
Thursday, October 27th.
The boneyard access will
be available by
appointment only
starting then also.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Important Dates coming
September 25th-
Office hours changing.
New hours are posted on
the door.
October 7th-
Last day laundry
services are available
to owners
October 10th-
Comfort Stations 2, 3,
and 4 are closing for
the season
October 11th-13th-
Annual water line
October 14th-
Boneyard availability
will change to match
office hours unless
prior arrangements are
made with Jeff or
November 20th-
Comfort Stations 1 and 5
will close for the
The office will close for
the season in late
We haven’t decided on a
date yet!
If you
have spigot that is in
need of repair, please
let the office know as
it is easier to fix them
when there no pressure
in the line!
This notice is
posted around the
campground also.
9/20/2022 (Edited*)
As the season continues
to wind down, we will
begin to perform some of
maintenance that can
only be done during
blow-out. If you have
spigot that is leaking,
please let the office
know, so we can have our
maintenance crew change
them out while there is
no water pressure in the
line as they prefer to
stay dry while on the
With the wind down,
owners will begin to see
a reduction in office
hours and boneyard
availablity. We will
continue to offer owners
access to the boneyard
via appoinment through
the off-season.
Fedex and UPS will stop
delivering to the office
on October 20th, 2022.
Any packages that are
marked for delivery to
7070 Dove Street will be
sent back to where it
came from after this
*We are aware of the
state in which the
cluster 1 roads are in.
They are in
desperate need of
attention after
Saturday's storm.
Unfortunately, we are a
waiting list for the
bobcat at the moment. We
will address
them as
as possible.
1. We will begin to
blow-out the water lines
on Tuesday, October 11th
this year. The process
takes about 3 days.
Comfort Stations 2,3,4
will be shut down on
October 10th in order to
throughly clean them and
winterize them. Comfort
stations 1 and 5 will
remain open through
November 20th, 2022.
Here are a couple tips
on how to protect your
camper/park model from
becoming a rodent haven
over the winter:
Use a rodent deterring
spray foam or silicone
to seal any areas that
rodents may use to gain
access to the inside
your camper/parkmodel.
Make sure all windows
and doors lock with a nice
tight seal.
Smells like peppermint,
tea tree oil, and moth
balls act as rodent
If you choose to go this
route, there are plenty
of different traps and
poisons that can be
placed through out your
camper/parkmodel that
will take care of any
rodents that manage to
get past all other
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Just a couple things:
Today is the last day
that the pools will be
open. Ed will be here in
the morning to shut them
down for the season. The
cluster two pool will be
uncovered for a day or
so to undergo an extreme
shock process before the
valves are
blown out. Do not try to
swim in this pool while
this process is occuring
as you will get chemical
burns from this process.
Our mystery "manager"
(the person who thought
they could place a $1
swipe fee on all owners)
has posted another
notice on the boards. We
have obviously removed
the notice once again,
and in its place, we
a notice of our own
explaining why the hill
this person has chose to
stand on has no land for
them to actually stand
on. Yes, this person is
correct in the notion
that we cannot change
the by-laws without a
majority vote
(which is a similar
clause that our nation's
constitution has), but
similar (not necessarily
the same) to the laws
laid out by the
government, we
(Whitebirch INC.) can
institute rules/fees
that we expect owners to
while in the campground
as long as they do not
undermine the by-laws.
Most of these ideas (not
all) are ran by the
campground committee
before their
Example: The by-laws
state that owners are
allowed to have an
additional camper on
their lots for a period
of no more than seven
(7) days. It does not
say that we (Whitebirch
INC.) must allow owners
to do this for free. So
we still allow owners
the option to have an
additional camper on
their lots (like the
by-laws state), the
option will come at a
cost of $15 per night.
We really hope
this gives our mystery
"manager", as well as
all owners, some
clarification about the
difference between a
change in by-laws and
instituting a new
We have posted notices
around the campground
reminding owners of the
October 11th water line
blow-out. We are
planning to shut down
Comfort stations 2, 3,
and 4 on October 10th in
order to clean them
before we have no
water in them. Comfort
stations 1 and 5 will
remain open through deer
rifle season.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Hello WBCC!
The following message is
absolutely the reason we
have a leashing policy
for all dogs:
We have had the
unfortunate displeasure
of recieving a report of
a dog fight the occurred
over the holiday weekend
in the area of the Moose
Trail and Fox Trail.
This is truly why we
have a leashing rule.
the best trained dog
will give into their
natural instincts, and
if they smell something
or see certain body
language from another
dog, they will react. If
the dog is unleashed,
there is absolutely
nothing stopping the dog
from reacting. With that
said, keep a leash on
your dog!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
With the end of season
drawing near, we have an
owner who is collecting
all unwanted food items
until the end of
September. As owners
begin to clean out their
campers, they are
welcome to drop off all
food down at the office.
There will be a box by
office starting 9/9/2022
for any items owners are
willing donate!
The new owners at 30638
Cougar have a chair and
a hid-a-bed that they
are giving away. They
are in the blue tone
family. If you are
interested, they will be
on their lot!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
After hemming and
hawing and speaking with
Ed, the pool closure
date will be Sept. 11th.
There are a few factors
that weigh in on this
decision. The
temperatures are
beginning to drop below
50 at night, the highs
next week will only top
the low 70's, and the
leaves are beginning to
turn colors and fall.
Management noticed a lot
of additional campers on
lots over the holiday
weekend. We have those
lots written down and
will be sending out
bills for the additional
camper fees. If you
choose not to pay the
additional camper fee,
it will
be added to your annual
dues for next year.
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
Labor Day Picnic is
tomorrow, 9/3/2022, from
4 pm to 6 pm. There are
tickets available still
and will be sold at the
picnic. The cost is $5
and is only to cover the
cost of food.
We will have
pulled pork/chicken
sandwiches (BBQ will be
served on the side),
baked beans, corn on the
cob, coleslaw, corn
muffins, and lemonade!
The last Fireside Chat
will be tomorrow,
9/3/2022, from 2:30 pm
to 3:30 pm.
Owners must remember
that your neighbor's lot
is private property. We
all should respect that
notion! You are not
allowed to go on it for
any reason without the
permission of the lot's
owner. This includes
on a lot, allowing
your pet to use the
bathroom on the lot, and
using a lot as a walk
through to get to your
destination. We have
plenty of outlots that
are available for every
one of those activities.
If you are a pet
owner, we also offer
many poop bag stations
throughout the
campground for you to
clean up after any
messes that are made in
the campground because
who wants to step in a
dog pie surprise while
enjoying the
common areas in the
After speaking with Ed
(our pool technician),
we are playing the pool
shut down by ear. With
the 10-day forcast
looking pretty nice, we
plan on leaving the
pools open for a bit. If
the weather turns rather
quickly, we
will shut down. When we
have a hard date, we
will give notice!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Hello WBCC!
Labor day picnic tickets
are still available for
purchase! You may
purchase them in the
office or at the picnic
on Saturday.
We are looking for
coolers to do cooler
corn for the picnic and
we will be having a corn
shucking session on
Friday if anyone is
interested in helping!
We are also looking for
a few helpers to help
with serving on
Saturday. Let Desirae or
Laurie know if you are
After wrestling on when
to do the final fireside
chat of the season, we
have decided to hold it
on Saturday, 9/3/2022
from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
under the pavilion.
Again, this is where
owners can voice any
for or concerns about
the campground with
members of the committee
and myself.
Reminder: Blow out will
begin October 11th and
will take three days to
complete. This is also
when Comfort Stations
#2, 3, and 4 will be
cleaned and shut down
for the season.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Laurie is enjoying a
nice, well-deserved
vacation this week.
Because of that notion,
the normal office hours
for Sunday and Monday
will be shorten to 10:30
am to 2:30 pm. We
understand that this can
be an
inconvenience and we
apologize for the short
If you reside in the
Barkwood Trail and
Yellowleaf Trail area,
you may have noticed
some flickering
happening in your
lights. We have
discovered that one of
nature's little tiny
creatures decided that
the breaker box for that
was a nice place to make
a home. They have done
some minor damage and
Moon will be out on
Monday to try to repair
the box. This situation
does bring up a valid
concern for the winter.
If mice are already
hunkering down in
breaker boxes, it might
be an indication of a
problem to come.
Here are a couple tips
on how to protect your
camper/park model from
becoming a rodent haven
over the winter:
Use a rodent deterring
spray foam or silicone
to seal any areas that
rodents may use to gain
access to the inside
your camper/parkmodel.
Make sure all windows
and doors lock with nice
tight seal.
Smells like peppermint,
tea tree oil, and moth
balls act as rodent
If you choose to go this
route, there are plenty
of different traps and
poisons that can be
placed through out your
camper/parkmodel that
will take care of any
rodents that manage to
get past all other
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
A posting on the
billboard of Comfort
Station #5 and other
areas of the campground
was brought to
management's attention
today by some very
concerned owners. This
particular notice states
that as of 8/11/2022,
WBCC will be charging
$1.00 for every time an
owner swipes their card
to cover the cost of the
gates. THIS IS
not charging owners to
swipe their cards and
owners will not recieve
a bill
at the end of the season
for their card use. We
do not know who chose to
place a notice like this
up, but if this person
would like to come
forward, we will gladly
keep track of your card
swipes and send you a
bill for every
swipe recorded on them
at the end of the season
(just so you know, we
can go back to the
beginning of May) since
you have taken upon
yourself to impersonate
And if this is the same
person that so nicely
stated that management
blames all owners for
the issues in the
campground and only
responsible for passive
aggressive comments, you
may want to relook at
the definition of
aggressive, because if I
(yes, I will use the
aggressive form of first
person communication for
this) was using passive
aggressive behavior as a
manager, there would
have been a lot of
things not done this
season like not getting
Fawn Lane electrical
project started among
the other things that
have been brought to my
attention over the
season. If this is
referring to the exit
gate that is still broke
from the beginning of
the season, I sincerely
apologize that I
cannot make chip
companies overseas bow
to my will and force
them to send the
security gate company
the chips necessary to
fix the circut board.
And I apologize if you
feel slighted by me in
any way, but I do not
place blame on
owners if it is not
warrented and truly try
to address anything
brought to my attention
if possible.
Thank you and have a
fantastic day,
WBCC Manager
Hello WBCC!!!
Halloween weekend was a
huge success! Again, a
huge Thank You to
Marissa and Jean for
their time and wonderful
ideas! Congratulations
to this year's contest
winnners ( I got to see
pics of the winners
The first phase of the
electrical upgrade
finished last Friday. We
are getting a lot of
questions about
landscaping and what
will be done about the
damage caused by the
equipment. We are going
to address
the landscaping issues
caused by the work being
done, but there is still
a small excavator that
will be used to help in
the next phase so we
don't want to do
anything until there
will be no further
damage created.
We will keep all owners
updated as soon as we
are updated! (Just got
back from my trip and
haven't spoke with Karl
Moon yet, sorry!)
If you have something
you want to sell, you
will need to find
another spot to place it
other than the lot by
the office.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Happy Halloween!!
It's Halloween weekend.
Big Thank You to Marissa
Skaalerud and Jean
Gerdes for the wonderful
decorations. The
resort looks great!
Watch for Marissa's
announcements for
the medallion hunt on
Reminder: The
office will be closed on
Saturday and reopen
Sunday at 10:30am.
Hello WBCC!
Management would like to
remind owners that
unless you have an
agreement with your
neighbor's about parking
on your lot when you are
not here, DO NOT park on
a lot. We are getting
compliants about this
particular matter. We
would like to remind
owners that this can be
considered tresspassing
as lots are privately
owned and an owner can
call the trespasser in
to law enforcement.
Also, if you are a dog
parent, please
understand that quiet
time does encompass
barking. If your dog is
needing to be out past
10 pm on week days or
past 11 pm on weekends,
please make sure they
are not
excessively during their
time out.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
I would like to start
out by sending a huge
apology out to Mark and
the Breezy Point Resort
maintenance staff for
missing them on the
shout out for the
Pavilion fix. In my
excitement for the fix,
I missed them completely
but they were the
ones that helped with
the pulling of the
pavilion so it was
upright! I am truly
sorry and would like to
send a HUGE THANK YOU to
you guys and your
amazing skills!
My apologies for the
late notice but we are
having our next fireside
chat this Saturday,
8/13/2022, in the
Clubhouse. Our two
committe members will be
available from 9 am to
10 am to hear any
concerns or suggestions
owners may have.
Both Laurie and I have
engagements on the
weekend of August 20th
and August 21st, so
there will be no office
hours for those two
days. (I have to pick my
youngest son up from his
grandparents (Vicki and
Andy) who
kidnapped (not
literally) him in the
beginnning of August and
brought him to Arizona!
And yes, I miss him
greatly!) We are asking
that anyone bringing in
additional campers for
that weekend to
preregister them in the
There will still be
security roaming around
the campground and they
will be able to contact
me if needed (as long as
I have cell reception in
the mountains).
Fawn Lane update!
Phase one is underway in
the Fawn Lane electrical
upgrade. In this phase,
the conduit is being
layed throughout the
area. Owners will notice
the red tubing that is
sticking out of the
ground in seemingly
spots. This will hold
open the holes and
provide protection from
wildlife for the 200 amp
wire that is being
installed from each
breaker to each lot.
Phase two will be the
phase in which the new
wire is fed throughout
lower cluster. The
additional new breaker
boxes in new areas will
be installed at that
point and replace any
inadequate breaker boxes
also. Phase three is the
last phase and
unfortunately, the most
time consuming phase.
In this phase, Mr. Moon
will have to hand dig
around each pedestal on
each lot in order to
feed the new wire into
it. This is also the
phase in which owners
will begin to see power
outages as he begins to
install the wire.
We will definitely try
to make sure owners that
will be affected by
these outages are
notified prior to the
outage, but we do
anticipate this phase to
happen as the season
begins to wind down and
owners are beginnning to
pack up for the season.
Mr. Moon did say that he
doesn't think the
outages would last
longer than a couple
hours at a time.
One quick reminder: We
do not staff lifeguards
and all children under
14 years old will need
to be supervised by a
parent/guardian while in
the pool area. We also
would like to remind you
that the pool areas are
only open
from 10 am to 10 pm to
owners. There is a water
aerobics class that
starts at 9 am,
Tuesday-Thursday. This
class being in the pool
area does not mean the
pool is available for
open swim prior to 10
Finally, the blow out of
the water lines for the
end of the season will
begin October 11th and
takes about 3 days.
Water will no longer be
available to lots after
Thank you,
WBCC Mangager
Management would like to
remind owners that it is
absolutely unacceptable
to sublease/rent out
your lot for any reason.
This is listed in the
Campground by-laws and
will be taken very
seriously by corperate
if you
are caught doing this.
If you would like a copy
of the by-laws, they are
available to owners
during regular office
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
After a few curse words
and some digging, we
have found a directional
drilling company for the
Fawn Lane electrical
grid upgrade! Owners in
this area will see an
increase in activity in
the area in the next
week. We will have
locators, the drilling
crew, and Karl all
working in the area
starting Monday,
8/8/2022. The project
will be done in three
phases and will include
installing new breaker
boxes, transformers, and
line between lots.
There will be noise and
will get a little messy
but the end result will
be worth it!
Unfortunately, we cannot
give onwers an end date
because there are
outside factors like
weather and company
availability that hinder
that notion. It is our
hope that it will only
take a few weeks.
The pavilion is complete
and we can resume taking
reservations for it! And
huge shout out to Lee
and Monty for the
amazing engineering
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
I cannot believe I have
to post this on here but
here we go.....
Dear Skinny Dipper,
Unfortunate for you, I
had to investagate
another incident. While
investigating that
incident, I found the
footage that you so
proudly left for us to
find. Dancing naked and
flashing the camera a
heart symbol is not
something you should be
proud of. I would like
to remind you that in
the state of Minnesota,
the penalties for
indicent exposure
include up to 90 days in
jail, up to $1,000 in
fines (or both) for a
misdemeanor offense, up
to 365
days in jail and
up to $3,000 in fines
(or both) for a gross
misdemeanor offense, and
finally for the felony
offense, you could see
up 5 years in state
prison, up to $10,000 in
fines and being placed
on the state sex
offender registery.
This footage has been
saved to our server and
will be presented to law
enforcement if this
behavior continues. The
fact that you showed
zero regard for the law
while perpetrating this
behavior will not bode
well in court and staff
will not tolerate this
behavior at any point!
Owners, you are strongly
encouraged to call law
enforcement immediately
if you catch someone
engaging in lewd acts
such as this while
inside the pool areas or
in the campground
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Owners in Cluster #1 may
notice that there is new
rock to the right of the
inbound gate. We tried
to just place the rock
there to deter
motorcycles and golf
carts from going around
the arm using that
Since the gentleman with
the blue t-shirt in the
red golf cart this week
took upon himself to
move that rock to let
himself in, we have
decided to cement the
rock in place. Any
further tampering with
this rock may
result in law
enforcement involvement
and an expectation that
the offending party pay
for anything needing to
be done to reset the
rock in this spot.
It has also been brought
to management's that
there have been some
massively oversized
floaties that have been
brought in the pool to
use. We understand the
fun that can be had with
these oversized
floaties, but
people must understand
that these floaties are
designed to be used in a
lake or river setting
where space isn't
necessarily a factor.
Our pools are just not
big enough for these
types of floaties. Out
of respect for
everyone trying to enjoy
the pools, please stick
to smaller floaties and
other pool toys and
leave the lake/river
floaties for time spent
in lakes/rivers.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Bad news owners......
Despite our best
efforts, the hot tub has
to be drained and capped
for the rest of the
season due to the
massive leak. The water
tight is just not enough
to slow the leak and we
are very concerned about
the water is going at
this point. We really do
not want to lose the
Clubhouse to a sink
hole! We are working
with a company to
schedule the hot tub fix
this fall, so when we
open next season, the
hot tub will be
up and running with zero
On a good note, the
pavilion should be up
and running in a couple
weeks. We will announce
on the website when we
will resume taking
reservations for
activities in the
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
We are aware of the
Cluster 2 inbound gate
being up. We have called
the security company and
are hoping to hear
something back shortly.
Thank you,
Our Apologies!
There seems to be some
confusion about the
registration of
vehicles/boats. We are
talking about out of
date state registrations
like current tabs on a
car or the MN
registration for boats
(the one the DNR
looks at). We are seeing
some boats that haven't
been registered since as long
ago as 2007 and vehicles not
tabbed since as long ao as 2019 on
lots, which tells us
that the vehicle/boat
has not moved/been
in quite sometime.
Because of this
notion, we are assuming
these boats/vehicles are
not in working
order/abandoned and the
by-laws state that
vehicles of that nature
are not allowed on lots
within the
If you are current on
state registrations for
your vehicles/boats, you
are good to go.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Hello WBCC!
There are a couple
things we would like to
remind owners about.
1. If you have vehicles
or boats on your lot,
they must be currently
registered! If they are
not, management will
consider them abandoned
or junk. According to
the by-laws abandoned
and junk vehicles/boats
are prohibited on your
lots. We are asking that
you either bring the
registrations back up to
date or remove them from
your lots. If you
haven't recieved a
letter yet about these
vehicles/boats, you will
2. If you choose to use
landscaping rock on your
lots, remember that
while landscaping rock
is low maintenance, it
is not maintenance free!
Make sure you are
addressing any
overgrowth of weeds
within the
landscaping rock.
3. We understand that on
the weekends it is nice
to sit out by the fire
enjoying a cold one into
the wee hours of the
early morning. We must
remember that there is a
quiet time in the
campround. On the
quiet time begins at 10
pm and on the weekends,
quiet time begins at 11
pm. Be respectful of
your neighbors and move
your fun into your
camper/park model during
this time please.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
2022 Poker Run
Rules Saturday, July
23rd @ 6pm to 8:30pm
This is a free game
for all ages.
There will be an adult
game (21+) and a
children’s game for
anyone under the age of
21. There will be
separate prizes for the
winners for the adult
game and the under 21
age group.
poker run is not a race
so please do not speed
and be respectful to
everyone hosting or
playing the game.
Each contestant
will need to start at
the pavilion pool area
to get your official
scorecard and your first
poker card. Please bring
a smartphone to take a
picture of all the
locations of each
official stop.
Adults should bring a
small cup or shot glass
if they intend on
drinking at any of the
hosting sites.
Each host will have
a large poker card
posted as a sign so you
can identify the proper
hosting locations.
Scorecards will
need a contestant name
and will have a special
marking to identify if
you are playing the
adult or under 21 game.
The object of
the game is to finish
with the best 5 card
poker hand. Hosts
will shuffle and mix up
cards and allow each
contestant to choose 1
free card per site until
you have a maximum of 5
cards. If you
receive a duplicate card
than you will draw a
replacement card.
Hosts will write card
number and suit and
initial each card on
your scorecard.
Examples: 10 of clubs =
10C and king of hearts =
Some hosting
sites may offer a second
chance card opportunity.
You may have to play a
game or take a shot or
do something special and
unique if you want to
draw a new card.
Ask each site if they
have a second chance
option if you want to
discard a card in hopes
to draw a better
card. Tell the
host which card you wish
to discard before
drawing a new card.
Second chance
games can only be played
once per site.
It is possible to
get more than 5 free
cards or second chance
cards by stopping at
more than 5 hosting
sites. You must
discard a card before
you draw any new cards
if you are holding the
maximum of 5 cards.
The more cards you get
the greater the chance
of improving your poker
scorecards should be
returned to pavilion
pool area by 8:30pm to
qualify for any prizes.
Prizes will be announced
once all the cards have
been checked for
We are still in need of
kids and or adult
donations to be used as
prizes and we could use
additional hosts.
If you would like to
volunteer or donate a
prize please message
Mike or Dawnya Mohs
right away.
Thank you to everyone
that came to the
Fireside Chat this
We would like to remind
everyone that there will
be some entertain up in
the Cluster 2 pool
parking lot tonight from
around 7 pm to 10:30 pm
thanks to an owner in
the campground. She has
stated that all are
to come and enjoy
Woodford the One Man
Band this evening. We
are asking that no one
parks in the parking lot
during this time. Yes,
you are still welcome to
utilize the pool until
it closes
for the night.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
My apologies for the
lack of time concerning
the Fireside Chat
tomorrow. We will be in
the Clubhouse from 9am
to 10am.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Due to a meeting up at
the resort, the office
will be opening late on
7/15/2022. Sorry for any
inconvenience this may
cause you.
Management would like to
thank all the owners
that are making progress
on cleaning up their
lots. Your efforts have
not gone unnoticed.
We have had to look into
a different excavating
company to start the
Fawn Lane electrical
upgrade because of the
obstacles in the area.
They will hopefully be
in the campground in the
next couple of days to
assess the area.
Our second fireside chat
will be on 7/16/2022 up
in the Clubhouse (by the
cluster 2 pool). Owners
are welcome to join us
to share any concerns or
suggestions for the
campgrounds. Committee
members Mark (Cluster 1)
Monty (Cluster 2) will
be available to listen
to these!
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
As warned, the water in
Cluster 2 lower section
by Fawn Lane is being
shut down this morning
for a couple hours.
Sorry for the
inconvienence this may
cause but the water
issue should be fixed
Water fix is now
complete. Water
has been turned back on.
Please run your water
for a bit before using.
Thank You
WBCC Admin.
As we move into the
middle of summer and the
mosquitoes and the weeds
are becoming more and
more of a nuisance, we
all need to be conscious
of our neighbors when
choosing the chemicals
to combat
these pests. Commercial
herbicides and
pesticides are harsher
than residential and may
wreak havoc those that
may be asthmatic or have
other medical
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Hello WBCC!
Just a forewarning: The
water repair for the
owner on Fawn Lane will
be completed tomorrow
7/8/2022. We can isolate
the water shut down to
mainly the lower part of
cluster 2, but a few
owners in the upper
may see a loss in water
for a bit. We do not
know exactly when the
water will be shut down
tomorrow, but we will
try to keep the time the
system is down to a
minimum. We will also be
speaking to the
company about how we are
going to approach the
Fawn Lane electrical
grid upgrade. We can
hopefully give the
owners in this area a
better idea of
everything after that.
Management sent out
letters yesterday to
those that have let
their lots become
storage lots for
abandoned vehicles and
other abandoned
material, let their
camper/park model/MN
Room fall into
disrepair, or have
overgrowth and other
debris to clutter their
lots. If you recieve a
letter, every issue that
is brought up is covered
under the by-laws/rules
and regulations and your
immediate attention will
be required to resolve
those issues.
Becaue of the
craft/garage sale this
Saturday, we are going
to reschedule the
Fireside Chat for
Saturday, July 16th so
that owners may take
advantage of the sale.
Management will post
notices on the Comfort
Management understand
that the comfort
stations have not been
up to a 5 star standard
around the park. Owners
need to understand that
despite efforts to hire
a person(s), we still
have not found someone.
As a result,
Desirae and Laurie have
been trying to keep up
with the cleaning. They
also have other things
that are just as
important they must
attend to, and the
resort is also short
staffed. We have had a
few owners volunteer to
clean for
us too. If any
owners know of someone
looking for full time or
part time work for the
reminder of the season,
please refer them to the
Breezy Point Resort
website or if any owners
would be willing to
volunteer to clean even
one comfort station once
in awhile, it would be
very much appreciated.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Happy 4th of July WBCC!
Fireworks are strictly
prohibited within the
campground! Breezy Point
PD are aware of this
rule and will be
patroling the area this
Also, NO ONE should be
parked in the right of
way (the road). If you
are caught parked in the
right of way, you will
be given one verbal
warning. After that, you
will recieve a letter
stating that any further
incidents of illegally
parking on the road will
result in a tow truck
being called to tow the
vehicle at the expense
of the registered owner.
This covered in the
We are seeing a lot of
extra campers on lots
that are not registered
with the office! We have
written down the lots
that have extra campers
without stickers and
will access the
utility/amenity charge
to the owner of the
lot's account.
An owner in Cluster 2
had a significant amount
of trees removed from
their lot. There is a
pile of of wood chips
from this removal down
by the sand pit in
cluster one (just off
the golf cart path).
This is free for
owners to take!
Bad News: The hot tub
leak has returned with a
vengeance. This is why
it has been running cold
and it is also why it is
roped off again. Ed will
be here shortly to
access whether it will
be able to
reopen this season.
Stay safe this weekend,
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
Mangement would like to
inform you that some of
you may experience some
power outage tomorrow
Wednesday, 6/29/2022.
The power will be down
from approximately 8 am
to 12 pm and
will be concentrated in
the Buck Ave. and Fawn
Lane part of Cluster 2.
We are repairing the
breaker that had a melt
down during the extreme
heat. We know this is
not neccessarily the
repair most
were hoping for, but we
are happy to announce
that the ball is rolling
on that repair also. We
do not have a concrete
dates...yet, but we are
working on the plan and
it is our hope that it
will be completed before
the end of the
Side Note: I understand
that the people that are
affected the most by the
issue are growing very
impatiant with this kind
of answer, but please
know as the new manager
for the campground, I am
working vigoriously to
ensure this project is
started and completed by
season's end.
We are also addressing
the two water main
issues starting
Wednesday, 6/29/2022.
Because the water main
issues affect both
Cluster 1 and Cluster 2,
the water will be shut
off when the water mains
are being repaired. We
cannot give you times
that the water will be
down, but if you
experience water loss,
it is because the water
system has been shut
down temporarily. We are
hoping to have the
completed before the
major traffic starts
arriving for this
If you have any
questions concerning
these matters, please
call the office!
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Do you have Garage
Sale items you
would like to sell?
Crafts you
have made and would like
to sell?
On Saturday, July 9th
will be the
Whitebirch Campground
Garage / Craft Sale
in the 7070 Dove Street
main entrance parking
lot from 8 am - 1 pm.
Signs will be posted
along the exterior
roads. Some picnic
tables will be available
to use but bring your
own if you have some.
Reminder: Saturday,
July 2nd is the
Independence Day
Golf Cart Parade will
begin at 10:00 am.
Line up along Doe Trail
(along main entrance by
office). Parade
route will go up into
Cluster 2 turning right
on Whitebirch Way
to Cougar Pass then down
along side the Clubhouse
and down the trail to
Cluster 1 up Whitebirch
Way turn right on
Barkwood Trail, turn
right on Yellowleaf
Trail, turn right
onto Plumwood Trail then
back to Whitebirch Way
to the trail back to
Cluster 2.
The BBQ will be from
4:00 - 6:00pm in the
Clubhouse parking lot.
No traffic will be
allowed through the
Clubhouse parking lot as
a tent will be set up
for the dinner.
Since seating space will
be limited please bring
chairs to sit on (just
in case).
Face painting will be
provided by Victoria
Loosbrock durning dinner
After dinner stay to
enjoy the Music by Pam &
Dave Applegate
from 7:00 - 10:00 pm!
Have a Happy & Safe
Holiday Weekend!
Campground Staff
Due to prior
engagements, we will not
have office hours on
Sunday 6/26/2022. We are
sorry for any
inconvience this may
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
Hello WBCC!
A reminder:
This is covered under
rule #6 of the
campground rules and
We are seeing a lot of
dogs off leash
throughout the common
areas of the campground
especially coming from
the golf cart path. And
yes, we see from the
office. We have already
called animal control
once this year.
We do not want to make
it a trend!
With that said, the
tennis court area in
Cluster One is a
pet-free zone (see rule
#6). We found dog feces
inside the fenced area
this morning which
brings up another
provide doggie bag
stations througout the
campground, utilize them
Also, if you would like
to allow your dog to run
off leash, there is a
dog park located on
Pillsbury Street in
Pequot Lakes (roughly
2.9 miles from the
campground). You are
more than welcome to
utilize that area.
Ignorance of this rule
is not an excuse! The
rules are posted on
every comfort station
and owners are
responsible to inform
their guests of these
rules. We will gladly
provide you a copy of
them, just stop in the
office during
office hours.
Good Day WBCC!
Our neighborhood bear
has been spotted in
several areas throughout
the campground over the
past few weeks. We would
like to remind everyone
that this bear is a wild
animal and can be
unpredictable in its
actions. IT IS NOT
FRIENDLY! Because of the
frequency of the
sightings, we are asking
all owners that have any
type of birdfeeders to
put their feeders away
for a few weeks. This
will help discourage any
food-seeking behavior.
We understand that these
owners love this simple
pleasure in life, but
unfornately for the
safety of all owners, we
are asking you comply
with this request.
We have also posted
notices around
the campground of this
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Good Morning WBCC!
With the high humidity
and hot temperatures
today, management would
like to remind owners
and their guests that
the Comfort Station
floors will be damp and
slightly slippery.
Unfortunnately, this
beyond our control.
Please be careful!
Saturday, July 16th,
campground owner Tina D.
will be hosting a
musical guest in the
Cluster 2 parking area
(by the pool). She will
have Terry Woodford the
One Man Band playing
from 7 pm to 10:30 pm
are tenative). All are
welcome to enjoy the
show! We are asking that
no one parks in the
parking lot during this
time, since the
Pavillion is unavialable
until further notice for
these types of
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Hello WBCC!
you are interested in
helping with the
organization and
execution of campground
activities this year
such as the 4th of July
and Labor Day picnics,
craft/garage sales,
Halloween or a Poker
want you!
Please contact Laurie at
the campground office.
(218) 562-5474 or email
her at
Good Morning WBCC!
Apologies for not
posting this sooner, but
as of yesterday, Comfort
Station #2 in Cluster 1
has had its hot water
restored. No more cold
Reminder: Our first
Fireside Chat is today
at 9am to 10am!
Hello WBCC!
I hope all are enjoying
this beautiful weather
we're finally having.
Our first Fireside Chat
will be this Saturday,
June 11th in the
Clubhouse (building next
to the Cluster 2 pool)
from 9am to 10am. Jean
(Cluster 1)
Sue (Cluster 2) will be
available to listen to
your concerns and
suggestions regarding
the campground! We hope
to see you there.
Thank you,
WBCC Manager
the understanding of
management that there
have been
about the Cluster 2 gate
being stuck up. We
understand everyone's
concerns. To clarify,
yes, we have carmeras on
the gate and
yes, we know who breaks
the gates when they are
broke due to
However, that is not the
case this time. This is
an internal issue and
parts have been rather
diffcult to obtain in
the past two
years due to Covid-19
and the restrictions
that were put in place.
They are ordered and the
issue resolved as soon
as possible.
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
have great news and not
so great news today. The
great news is the
Cluster 2 pool and
kiddie pool are
officially open to
owners....the not so
great news is the hot
tub is still unavailable
at this time.
are still trying to at
least slow the leak for
the season so it will be
be available.
OFFICIAL Whitebirch gear
is now available in the
office. There are long
sleeve shirts for $28,
1/4 Zip sweaters for
$40, and full zip-up
hoodies for $45. We have
sizes small-3X. All plus
sizes are $2 extra.
Clarification for golf
carts and minors:
Because of last year's
accident involving minor
children driving golf
carts, no minor children
under the age of 12 will
be allowed to drive a
golf cart.
Children ages 12-14
years olds will need to
have completed the DNR
OHV/ATV youth permit
training in order to
drive a golf cart within
the campground. They may
bring their permit
they have completed the
course to the office.
Management will laminate
the permit and place it
on a blue lanyard for
them to wear around
their necks at ALL TIMES
The Breezy
Point city ordinance
concerning youth ages
15-17 will continue to
read more about the DNR
OHV/ATV youth permit
training, please visit:
finally: We are still
looking for Housekeeping
and Security for the
season. If you are
interested, apply at
Whitebirch INC.
Hello WBCC....
many of you know, we had
first whopper of a storm
last night. Management
has tried to contact
most of the people that
we noticed had
damage/potential of
damage to their
property. If you did not
receive a
phone call, it was
because we were told you
were aware or we do not
have a current phone
number for you.
Unfortunately, due to
storm damage, the
pavilion is unavailable
until further notice.
stability of the
structure has been
compromised. DO NOT GO
Hello WBCC!
The age
requirement to drive a
golf cart within the
City of Breezy Point is
15 years of age.
August 1, 2020 the age
to drive a golf cart in
the Whitebirch
Campground will also be
15 years of age. ****
If a youngster
has previously taken the
DNR test, driving exam
and received a
certificate from the
State, bring your
certificate to the
office and a lanyard
will be issued.
The child must
wear the lanyard at all
times when driving
a golf cart.
Violations and
fines followed by loss
of privilege maybe
imposed for owners who
are continually not
following the rules and
policies of the
It is a privilege to drive a golf cart-Not
a right!
We are seeing VERY
young children driving
golf carts throughout
both clusters. This will
be the only warning that
management will be
issuing about this
matter for the rest of
the summer.
From this
point forward, we will
move forward with
violation notices,
fines, and/or loss of
golf cart privilages for
those owners who choose
to ignore this rule.
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Hello WBCC!
Management is aware of
the gate issue at
Cluster 2. We hoping the
issue will be resolved
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Our neighborhood
bear has been spotted
hanging around the
tennis court area in
Cluster 1. We have
posted signs in the area
she was sighted in, but
we are asking owners be
diligent and alert
around the
this weekend.
Bears can be attracted
by birdfeeders, so
owners might try
bringing their feeders
in at night to try to
discourage her.
Unfortunately, the
cluster 2 pool area will
not be available at all
this weekend. This
morning, our pool guy
noticed that both the
kiddie and hot tub are
still leaking slightly,
and since the big pool
is still down,
would like to take the
opportunity to address
this issue with no foot
Please let
him work on it without
distrations. We
understand this is
frustrating for
everyone, but the sooner
we take care
these issues, the better
it will be in the long
run. The proposed target
date to open the Cluster
2 pool area will be the
middle of next week
(hopefully, we might
actually be warm...).
Everyone may have
noticed that our big
flag is missing in
action. We have a new
one on the way since the
state of the last one
was beyond being
displayable. It will be
delivered tomorrow, but
we would like
hold a small flag
raising ceremony
(nothing at all formal)
in honor of those who
have fallen in the line
of duty defending the
red,white, and blue. We
will hold it at 11:30 am
on Saturday after the
owner's meeting.
Everyone will be welcome
to attend! We are
looking for a person
that would be willing to
lend their vocal prowess
to sing our national
athem as the flag is
raised. Please call
Desirae at 218-562-5474
you are interested in
lending us your voice,
otherwise we will
default to a recording
sang by the U.S. Army
Field Band.
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Good afternoon WBCC!
to the weather, the
cluster 2 pool will not
be available this
weekend. The rubberized
paint needs at least 5
days of good sunshine
and warm temperatures to
properly cure. Being
that it is a state
cannot open the pool
without having the black
lines on the stairs. We
are working on the
opening the Cluster 1
pool instead (with the
intention of closing it
at a later date to fix
the concrete issue) and
the hot tub
kiddie pool will be
available. We apologize
for and understand the
inconvenience this will
be, but we would rather
have the Cluster 2
painting done properly
than have to repaint in
the spring next year.
a quick reminder that
the storage fee deadline
is next Tuesday,
5/31/2022. If you would
like to retain your
storage lot, please pay
the fee of $125 in the
campground office or up
in the main corperate
office at the
Breezy Point resort.
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
The Cluster One
Camping Spot is not a
parking spot and it is
not a free camping spot.
There is a fee of $15
per night and it is
required that the owner
the guest is visiting or
the guest stops in the
office to register
pay for their stay
they park. There is
currently a truck and
ice house trailer taking
residence in that spot
that was not scheduled
to be there. The
liscense plates for both
the trailer and the
truck have been recorded
if it is reported they
stayed overnight in this
spot or on a lot,
Management will contact
local law enforcement
for trepassing.
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
rolloffs are here. There
is one in the boat yard
and one by the tennis
are eyes on you!!!!
Some of the staff
positions have been
filled, so you will
begin to see some new
faces behind the scenes.
With that being said,
the staff have been told
they are not tolerate
abuse of any kind from
you have an issue with a
staff member, it will be
expected that you come
to management with your
Beginning this coming
week, we will have
office hours 7 days a
Sunday: 10:30 am to 4:30
Monday thru Saturday: 8
am to 4 pm
assistant, Laurie, will
be in the office on
Sundays and Mondays. She
can deal with some
issues, but mostly, I
will deal with any
issues on Tuesdays when
I return to the office
for the week.
Due to the Well
The washers in the
laundry area at Comfort
Station #5 will be
unavailable until I can
have the lines flushed.
It is in your best
interest not run a load
of clothes
the well chlorination
process is more intense
than household bleach
and will ruin your
clothes. Staff will
flush lines within a
couple of days and
hopefully everything
will be back to normal!
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Hello WBCC!
wells in Cluster 2 are
scheduled to be
chlorinated at 1 pm. We
are switching over to
the well down in Cluster
1 for the process. You
will need to flush your
lines! I have placed
reminders at the
comfort station also.
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Good Afternoon WBCC!
Just a couple things...
Cluster One's wells have
been chlorinated as of
yesterday. Cluster Two's
wells should be
chlorinated sometime
water issue in Comfort
Station #3 has been
resolved and a wonderful
volunteer has taken the
time to clean it, so it
is available for use
now. Comfort Stations #2
and #4 have not
been cleaned yet. We are
hoping to have them
cleaned and available
for owner use over the
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Hello WBCC!
Management would like to
remind you that the
campground speed limit
is 5 MPH. We are
recieving quite a few
complaints about
excessive speeding
throughout both
clusters. We all need to
be respectful of others
remember there are
people and children that
utilize the roadway to
walk on.
Most of the residents in
the campground work very
hard and spend good
money to keep their
yards landscaped and in
good condition. Please
respect that!
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Breezy Point Police
Department will be
conducting a Golf Cart
Rodeo at Breezy Point
City Hall on Saturday
5/21/2022 at 10 am.
There will be a short
safety presentation and
local vendors will be
showcasing products.
Featured Event:
Golf Cart Decorating
contest- Best Decorated
cart will win a prize
to a prior engagement,
the office will close
tomorrow at 12 pm. The
storage area will be
open until 4 pm still.
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Hello WBCC!
There is now laundry
service available at
Comfort Station #5 only.
Due to pipe issues, we
have not been able to
get the water to Comfort
Station #4 (The
Clubhouse) up and
running yet. We are
hoping to have
issue resolved shortly.
The wells have not been
chloronated yet, but the
well company should be
here to do that shortly.
We will post when the
chloronation process is
complete. Stay safe and
enjoy your day!
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manger
Good Afternoon WBCC!!!
water is on! We did run
into some issues that
should be taken care
over this week. If your
water sputters, let it
run until it stops. It
is air making its way
through the line. If you
notice a neighbors
outside hookup is
flowing and they are not
up here yet, please turn
it off. We tried to
catch them all!
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Regarding the Cluster 1
guest campsite,
management is asking
that an owner’s guest
comes after 1 pm on the
scheduled date of
arrival and leave by 1
pm on the scheduled date
of departure. Without
set arrival and
departure times, it is
difficult for management
to know when a guest
will be arriving and
leaving on the requested
dates. By having set
arrival/departure times,
management will be able
to better accommodate
all owner’s requests to
reserve this campsite.
Similarly to a guest
camper on an owner’s
lot, we are asking that
the guest stop at the
office to fill out the
registration form
before they park on
the campsite.
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Reminder: According to MN Statute
144.414: “Smoking
shall not be permitted
in and no person shall
smoke in a public place,
at a public meeting,
a place of employment,
or in public
All common areas (i.e.,
comfort stations, pool
areas, etc.) within the
campground fall under
this statute. If you are
caught smoking in a
public area, you may be
subjected to monetary
penalties up to $10,000
from the Minnesota
Department of Health and
local law enforcement.
Again, there have been
signs of smoking in the
woman’s side of Comfort
Station #1. There was a
cigarette butt that was
obviously put out on the
floor in the first
bathroom stall.
Management did not miss
the guilty party by much
as it still smelled
heavily of cigarette
smoke in the area. If
this continues,
management will be
forced to lock the
comfort station’s doors
until the guilty party
comes forward. If this
is a minor hiding in the
bathroom from their
parents, the parents
will be held responsible
for any damages or fines
the campground may be
accrue due to their
child’s actions.
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes
WBCC Manager
Good morning WBCC!
Management would
like to extend their
apologies for the
confusion surrounding
storage fees, which will
remain at $125 per spot.
To clarify this matter,
we would like to
remind owners that
storage contracts run
from May 1st
to May 1st of
the following year. We
understand that many
owners do not return
until a little later in
the month of May, so we
give all current storage
contract holders until
May 31st to
renew their contract by
paying their fee. An
owner may pay their fees
in the campground office
or up in the corporate
building at Breezy Point
Resort. If an owner
fails to pay their fee
by May 31st, their
contract will lapse and
they will remove their
items within the spot. Because of
technical difficulties,
we were unable to post
this notice earlier. Again,
we apologize for any
confusion. Have a great
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes-WBCC
hot water issue at
Comfort Station #1 in
Cluster 1 has been
resolved. No more cold
showers guys! Have a
fantastic day! Thank
you- Desirae WBCC
Management is aware of
the hot water issue at
Comfort Station #1 in
cluster 1. While there
is some hot water at the
moment, it is not
heating to a decent
temperature. We are
hoping to have this
resovled tomorrow! Thank
you, Desirae -WBCC
A few more
reminders, and tips as
we begin the season:
The roll-offs will be here starting Friday, May 20th.
Again, these
roll-offs will be
available to owners
to clean their lot
within the
Remember to
utilize the
composting station
at 7947 Dakota
Drive (little
over a mile from the
campground) for
dumping brush, grass
clippings, and
The target date for the water turn on is May 10th,
2022. As long as the
resort maintenance
can spare a few guys
on that date to
help, this is when
the campground will
get all the water up
running. Thank you
for your patience
with the cold start
to the season.
Please be respectful
others’ needs and
avoid blocking
campground dumpsters
by parking
vehicles/trailers in
front of them. This
restricts everyone’s
accessibility to
them including the
garbage service.
This would mean that
garbage would not be
collected from that
According to MN
Statute 144.414:
“Smoking shall
not be permitted in
and no person shall
smoke in a public
place, at a public
a place of
employment, or in
All common areas
(i.e., comfort
stations, pool
areas, etc.) within
the campground fall
under this statute.
There was
evidence (ashes and
a nicotine residue
on the tile counter
and mirror, a damp
cherry on a shower
floor) of smoking
found in woman’s
side of Comfort
Station 1 on
5/1/2022. If
you are caught
smoking in a public
area, you may be
subjected to
monetary penalties
up to $10,000 from
the Minnesota
Department of Health
and local law
Also, please make
sure that if you are
the last person to
leave the comfort
station, you are
turning off the
lights. This will
cut down on energy
costs for the
campground and on
the number of bugs
being attracted by
the comfort station
If an owner is going
to renew their
storage contract,
the storage fee was
due May 1st,
Owners have
until May 31st,
2022 to either pay
the storage fees or
remove any items
from their storage
spot. The waiting
list did roll over
from the previous
year and is growing
longer by the day!
Management will
begin accessing
openings in the
storage lot in early
Reminder: As of
May 1st,
2022, the rules have
been amended to
reflect the
following change:
Any additional
camper on an owner’s
lot will be charged
a daily fee of $15
per day and must be
registered with the
office. The maximum
time that a 2nd
camper can remain on
a lot is seven (7)
days. A 2nd
camper after removal
has to remain off of
a resident’s lot for
a period of at least
seven (7) days.
To clarify,
this means
before an
owner’s guest can
park on the owner’s
lot, they must see
someone in the main
office to pay the
daily fee for each
day (maximum of
seven (7) days) they
will be staying and
to register their
camper. If a camper
remains on the lot
after the seven (7)
day period, the
owner of the lot
will receive a
violation letter and
will be given twenty
(20) days to remove
the camper. On day
twenty-one (21), the
owner of the
lot will be
charged a violation
fee of $25 for every
day the camper
remains on their
lot. Remember, extra
campers cost extra
money for
electricity and
With prices on the rise, here are some tips to save on energy costs
this summer!
Give your air conditioning unit a little TLC in the beginning of
the season.
Fun Fact: A simple clogged A/C filter can increase
energy use by
On hot days, resist the urge to furiously press the down button on
the thermostat
to quickly cool
an area. Set it
to your optimal
temperature and
give it time to
cool down.
Fun fact: Studies show that
each degree
above 75 that a
cooling system
is set at is
equal to 10-15%
decrease in
energy costs.
Install a temperature-controlled timer on your plug-in cooling
unit to
usage while the
property is not
in use.
The home
will stay cool,
but the A/C unit
will not run all
hours of the day
and night.
Unplugging or using smart power strips for unnecessary
devices like
phone chargers,
toasters, air
fryers, coffee
makers, and
other small
appliances will
save on energy
Use shade to
your advantage!
Draw shades and
curtains during
the day and open
them at night to
naturally keep
an area cooler.
Plant bushes or
trees, if
possible, on the
south and west
sides of the
home to shield
it from the most
direct sunlight.
Fun Fact:
Placing an A/C
unit in the
shade can make a
cooling system
run up to 10%
more energy
Close doors and vents to rooms not in use to alleviate unnecessary
strain on your
cooling system.
Remember to turn
off the lights
in those areas
And finally, if we all do our part to be conscious about our
energy use, we
can combat the
rising energy
costs for the
overall and
continue putting
more money into
making the
campground a fun
destination for
you and your
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes-WBCC
Hello Whitebirch Conservation
Club! My name is
Desirae Rhodes and I am
new manager for the WBCC
campground. A little
background of myself: I
have called the Brainerd
Lakes Area home for the
past 24 years and am a
mother to three
wonderful children. I am
currently enrolled at
Bemidji State University
and pursuing my PhD in
Psychology. I hope to
establish a career in
education or therapy
services. Due to
schooling, I am
unavailable to work on
Mondays and Wednesdays
at this time. Otherwise
I will be at the
office/campground from 8
am – 4pm. These
days/hours will change
after the semester ends
and I have hired an
a few announcements and
Cluster 2 Committee
member opening: Due to
circumstances, the WBCC
committee does have an
opening for a member of
Cluster 2 to join. This
member must be
team-oriented, friendly,
creative, and
enthusiastic about
bringing positive change
to WBCC. Please email
your resume and cover
letter about why you
would make a great fit
for the committee to
2. WBCC is currently
looking for
hard-working, friendly
faces for Security,
Groundskeeper, and an
Administrative assistant
to the manager. It is
our preference that we
hire within the
campground. If you are
interested, please apply
at Whitebirch Inc. 3.
Electricity is on, and
comfort stations 1 and 5
are fully functioning.
We are still waiting for
the ground to thaw a bit
more before turning on
the water. With warmer
weather on the horizon,
we are hoping that in
the next 10-14 days we
can get the water system
up and running. 4.
Reminder: The overflow
parking near the office
in cluster 2 is not a
storage lot. While we
understand that owners
may need a place to
temporarily park a
vehicle/trailer, it will
be required that you
receive permission of
management to use this
lot as short-term
parking. *To the owner
of the RV with MN plate
#: RU47490, you did not
inform management of the
need to use this lot and
have until 5/05/2022 to
remove this RV, or it
will be towed/stored at
the registered owner’s
expense.* 5.
Reminder: The dumpsters
near the comfort
stations are for
household trash only.
This mean absolutely no
hazardous materials,
furniture, yard waste,
or electronics may be
dumped in these
dumpsters. Management is
setting up delivery of
the roll-offs (one per
cluster) for the spring
clean-up. They should
arrive in Mid-May (we
make another
announcement when they
arrive) and be available
to owners until
mid-June. These
roll-offs will be
available to owners to
clean their lot within
the campground. NO
service is being offered
as a courtesy to the
owners in the
campground. If it is
abused, it will no
longer be offered as a
am looking forward to
meeting and working with
all of you this summer!
Thank you,
Desirae Rhodes WBCC
Notice (April 15th,
2022): Power is on for
clusters 1&2. At
this time, only Comfort
Station #5 is up and
running. Thank
Notice (April 08, 2022):
Weather conditions did
not improve this week,
the roads within WBCC
are still impassable.
The campground will not
be open this weekend.
Warmer weather is ahead,
and we hope to be
opening soon!